Page 97 of Scars Run Deep

Caleb and his team had left fifteen minutes ago with their new patients to care for.

And Asher was checking in with the guys now who’d taken care of Site S, Caleb having sent a secondary team of his staff along with transportation to that site as well.

It had been a very busy night for him.

And it would continue to be for some time.

“How’s Killian?” Asher asked.

“He’s good. Held up well. He kept his shit together like he promised.”

“Very good,” Asher responded.

“Any injuries?” I piped up.

Jonah chuckled down the line. “Aren’t you the cutest, Princess? All worried about us? Nah, we’re both good. Kill took a couple of punches, but they barely fazed him. He’s gonna have a baby bruise, but that’s all. He might milk it around you, though.”

I chuckled. “And you?”

“Mild stab wound to the bicep, but that’s all.”

“Stab wound?” I cried.

“Didn’t even go in deep. Seriously. We’re both good. We’ll be even better once you and Asher get your sexy asses back home for a post-battle fuck fest.”

Asher rolled his eyes and tossed me a wink. “Keep your dick under control until you’re clear of the area and back on home territory.”

“Aww, spoil my fun. I was gonna see if Kill wanted to play a little.”


“Aww, come on, Sire, he lapped it up that night by the pool. You saw it for yourself.”

Asher told me, “He’s always ramped up after combat.”

“Hey, I heard that. Yeah, Princess, fucking up some motherfuckers gets me hard and horny. I’m not ashamed of it.”

“All right,” Asher said. “Let us finish up here. Head straight back to home territory.”

“Fine. See you in a couple of hours.”

We said our goodbyes, then Asher stowed his phone away.

He looked me over.

For one of the very few times ever, it wasn’t sexual.

It seemed to be a whole lot of concern.

“I’m fine,” I told him before he could voice it.


“What the hell does that mean,” I snapped, before I could stop myself.

“A bullet down the throat is a pretty gruesome way to die.”

“I told you what they were doing to that girl.”