“Got it,” I gritted out.
He was there in the next second, moving faster than I would’ve thought possible in his compromised state, his thumb and forefinger gripping my jaw. His other fingers stroked my skin with that deceptively soft touch of his that usually meant a lesson was coming. “Did you need it to be solely about you, sweetheart?”
“It wasn’t, so it is what it is.”
“If I make a move solely off emotion, I’ll miss key things, I’ll be unable to discern the bigger picture. Something I’m sure even you with your short-sightedness can even understand would cause our fall not only from our position here in Hexwood, but in the eyes of our fathers.”
“What about Aurora?”
“What about her?”
“Your decision to claim her as ours?”
“Under the banner of the unsustainable issue.”
“Because it was getting under my skin, causing me to react in what you’d deem unfavorable ways?”
“More than that. Do you really think Sam came down there completely of his own volition?”
“What are you—”
“It was a test, Killian. My father was involved, likely behind it. Carson is fixated on Aurora, remember? Sam showing up was escalation. If I’d left it, they would’ve either continued tormenting her for Carson’s amusement, or he would’ve come for her and taken her as his. Now she’s ours, there’s a barrier. He knows she’s under my protection. For him to make another move concerning her, he’ll have to openly challenge me. And that means upsetting the balance of power in the bigger picture of the Infidels. It means risking losing me as his heir. So now he’s regrouping, preparing no doubt to come at us. But it buys us the time necessary to do what we have planned first, so it won’t come to that.” He squeezed my jaw, making me grunt. “Do you understand now? Or do you need me to break it down into smaller pieces for you to digest?”
“I understand fine,” I gritted out. “Let go.”
He sneered. “You’re fucking lucky this is all you’re getting after you slammed me up against the wall.”
“I’m sure J will be more than happy to soothe you and restore your wounded pride. That ego of yours will reach even greater heights, I bet.”
His eyes flashed and I braced myself.
But then nothing came.
That spark of dangerous flame snuffed out.
“You’re provoking me intentionally.”
Before I could respond, he released me and stepped back. “Trying to strike a chord when you accused me of twisting Aurora into becoming a monster like me, calling back to the fact that I had to become that against my will. Then challenging me because you know that gets under my skin. And now continuing to push.” His eyes narrowed. “All of this coming when you know I’m compromised by injury and those meds.”
“Clearly not that compromised. Although, it did take you longer than usual to clue in.”
He snarled and shoved me back into the wall. “Cut the bullshit.”
“It’s not fun being the puppet, is it, Ash?”
His hand shifted to my throat, squeezing hard enough to make it a struggle to draw in a full, unencumbered breath. “Last chance.”
“Why did you really call a retreat out there last night?”
He loosened his grip a little. “You were there, you saw the situation for yourself.”
“I did. Jonah was still in fighting shape. I’d just arrived on scene too. Aurora was shaken, but not down. You’ve fought before in way worse condition. We could’ve handled a second wave. And then there’s the fact that we have the intel and you haven’t even looked at it yet.”
“In case you haven’t noticed, I’m not clear headed at present.”
“That wouldn’t have stopped you normally.”
“Like I’ve said too many times to count now, there can’t be any mistakes with this.”