“So long as you don’t get in my way with that other matter we discussed in the car.”
My eyes bored into his. “Take it, Ash. You have my blessing and beyond. Take that fucking kill shot on that motherfucker.”
My father would die tonight.
And there’d be no regrets.
“I need to be there when you do. I need to fucking see it.”
“We already agreed. You will.” He laid his hand on my shoulder. “All the monsters are dying tonight.”
I sank back against the desk chair, pulling from my coursework yet again.
It was impossible to concentrate for more than a few moments at a time before my worry for the guys surged and overtook everything, my every thought and action.
It will be over soon.
That’s what I kept telling myself to keep my thoughts from spiraling.
And venturing outside every half an hour to smoke. I didn’t usually do it that much, I wasn’t a heavy smoker like Asher. But desperate times and all that.
There were also their messages. They’d stopped a couple of hours ago when they’d obviously been in the thick of it, needing their full concentration and wits about them. But from a few minutes after they’d left all the way up until then, they’d kept me updated, kept things lighthearted with their humorous banter and their dirty talk.
I snatched up my phone and looked over our group chat yet again.
Jonah: Forgot to mention, leftovers in the fridge.
Killian: Yeah, don’t forget to eat without this fucker there in your face about it.
Jonah: Fucker? You wound me, Pretty.
Killian: Suck it up, Savage.
Jonah: GFY, Pretty. And, Princess, there’s that veggie lasagna you’ve taken to liking. Might wanna start there.
Killian: When you head down there, let me know how much ice-cream I have left.
Jonah: Asher says there’s a carton of smokes in the basement freezer. Says you can have at it.
Aurora: You’re all so sweet. Who knew?
Killian: When we get back, it’s gonna get sickly sweet with our reunion. Think you can handle that?
Jonah: How sickly sweet? What are we talking here?
Killian: Fuck off.
Jonah: Pretty just kicked my seat, Princess. Hard too.
Aurora: Play nice, boys.
Jonah: Ash said he’s not gonna play nice or sweet when he gets back.
Aurora: I’d expect nothing less.