Page 117 of Scars Run Deep

I sank into him and he wrapped me up tightly, nuzzling my hair.

And then our phones buzzed in quick succession, invading the heartfelt moment.

Killian grumbled and pulled his phone out, still holding me with one arm tight to me.

He was cursing in the next moment and it had me easing back.

He flipped his phone to show me the text that had just come in.

Asher: No ride. Head straight home.

I frowned and looked around, then asked Killian, “Is he watching us?”

Killian rolled his eyes. “No doubt.” He stuffed his phone back in his pocket. “Invasive bastard, tainting every moment.”

I kissed his cheek. “Not every moment.”

He smiled, then sighed. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but he’s right this time. We should tend to those injuries.” He traced around the scratch marks on my cheek, avoiding the actual bloodied marks themselves. “These are still bleeding.”

“Yeah, okay. I could do with a stiff drink too.”

“Right there with you, darlin’.”

I hissed as the alcohol drenched cue tip connected with my bloodied cheek and those fucking nail scrapes.

Asher raised an eyebrow. “Come on, tough girl. You took a stab wound from me but you can’t handle this?”

“Fuck off, Ash,” Killian groused.

Asher only smiled as he eyed Killian. “Still sore about all that, darling boy? Come closer and I’ll give you another cock rub, soothe you like I did the other day in the garage.”

“There! Finally!” Jonah exclaimed, turning from where he was making us all some drinks. His gaze fell on me. “Now we know what went down with them.” He looked out at Asher and Killian. “We’d been wondering. Thank fuck it finally came out, my curiosity was spinning out of control.”

“You should find better ways to occupy your mind then,” Killian snapped.

He was harsher than he needed to be.

It was always a giveaway with him when something was bothering him through how he reacted to Asher and even his slight provocations.

And right now he was upset.

It was because after our I-love-you’s we hadn’t gotten to have that ride that he’d wanted, or even to spend some time alone reveling in it. We’d been ordered back here by Asher instead.

I stroked his hand as he sat on the edge of the table beside me, while Asher was perched on the chair to my left, the first-aid kit out on the tabletop in front of him.

“I just was expecting some warning, is all,” I told Asher.

“Giving a warning makes it worse.”

“True that,” Jonah agreed as he came to the table and placed a beer down in front of Killian, scotch in front of Asher, and tequila in front of me, while he then took a couple of big gulps from his vodka.

“You all right there?” Killian asked him, knowing as we all did that Jonah usually took his time whenever he drank. He savored it.

“Just trying to numb the memory of me riding bitch on your Harley earlier.”

Killian chuckled. “Come on now, J, it suited you.”

Jonah rolled his eyes, then looked at me. “See how much I care about you, baby? Riding with this motherfucker right here?” He pinched Killian’s cheek. “Aww, my Pretty. You know I love you really, yeah?”