Page 106 of Scars Run Deep

Aurora wanted to believe it so badly.

And he was doing a good job of giving us crumbs to make it seem believable.

But I couldn’t trust in it.

That thing with the Heretics, him disappearing off-territory… they had explanations that he’d crafted well. But there was just something off about it all, something that screamed of subterfuge. Of him keeping secrets, holding shit back.

Breaking his fucking promise.

I stole another look at Aurora and my chest squeezed.

If Asher was working behind our backs, if he failed to keep his vow, it would break her heart.

And then I’d fucking well break him right back.



I used the guard’s running momentum against him, grabbing hold of his shirt as he hit, and using it as leverage to toss him through the open front door.

He careened out onto the porch, smacking his back against the wooden railing, the harsh impact winding him enough to rattle his bones.

It bought me the time I needed to deal with the second huge motherfucker coming at me.

He made the mistake of thinking his mass was a given and, as he thew his fist, I dodged the blow, ducking, then coming up with a brutal uppercut to his chin that had him stumbling back.

I felt movement behind me from the guy out on the porch.

I drew two blades.

Tossing one at the stumbling guy, I watched as it drove deep into his thigh, right on target for his femoral artery. His leg buckled instantly and he went down hard. He’d be dead within moments. Nothing more to do there.

I felt the porch guy running at me again. He hadn’t learned his lesson earlier.

I spun and lobbed the second blade and it sliced into his throat, blood spurting and jolting him to a sudden stop as he slapped his hand to the fatal wound, choking and flailing.

Done and done.

As I took in the sight of the two of them bleeding out and dying right before me, along with the three other guards I’d already felled earlier, commotion from upstairs caught my attention.

Specifically, animalistic roars from Aurora.

Not again.

She’d lost herself during the last takedown a few days ago as well. It had just been brief then with her about to deliver a fatal wound to one of the trainers instead of leaving it for me as we’d agreed. I’d stopped her just in time.

I bolted up the stairs, tapping my earpiece as I went and linking with Caleb, “Move in. The way is clear.”

I didn’t want Aurora in this place any longer than was needed.

She’d already taken down two guards who’d been stationed outside earlier. There’d been only one trainer upstairs in the single bedroom of this smaller dollhouse for her to deal with. I’d expected her to be done in moments and leading the girls downstairs.

As I made it to the landing, I bolted toward the one bedroom up here, just a small bathroom the only other room.

I threw open the door and pulled up short at the scene I’d just burst in on.

Ten hostages were watching with wide eyes, all gathered around in the mess of a moldy and dirty room, just old mattresses and thin sheets for beds around the edge of the space.