I tugged at his hair, hard enough that I knew it must’ve hurt. But I couldn’t be gentle for the life of me, and his sexy groan made it clear he was more than fine with that.
I couldn’t keep still as his mouth devoured mine, eating me alive.
My hands slid from his hair, down his chest, over his scars, along his sling, around to his back, then I was fisting them in the waistband of his boxers, tugging and digging my nails in, while I rolled my hips against his hard cock through the covers.
It wasn’t enough.
Nowhere near.
I ripped my mouth from his, panting, my entire body flooding with heat, making me almost feverish with it.
And desperate.
So fucking desperate to have more of him.
I pushed up for a second and ripped the covers off him, and then I yanked his boxers down.
His cock bounced free, hard, thick, and so intimidatingly huge.
The damn thing was a menacing beast.
And I was more than ready to slay it.
I swept down and flicked his crown with the tip of my tongue and I watched, mesmerized as his cock thickened. I grasped his base, then lapped at the underside of the head, before sucking it into my mouth, swirling my tongue around, growing wilder and wilder, before I then dove down and drove him right to the back of my throat.
“Fuck,” he groaned, and I looked up to see him throwing his head back in rapture.
I swallowed hard around my mouthful of cock, making him jolt.
I did it again and again, sexy groans spilling from him and making me drip into my shorts.
They were just so guttural and masculine, so damn hot.
I lost myself to them, to the taste of him, needing desperately to please him and wrench more of those animalistic sounds out of him, and my pace became crazy and maddening. I dug my nails into his ass as I swallowed his cock down to the root, relishing the feel of it hitting the back of my throat, of the loss of control it promised, the sensation of having my airflow restricted, of choking on my mouthful of him.
“Jesus… fuck,” he cried, as I slurped, sucked, and rammed him down my throat over and over, becoming completely unhinged, completely lost to it.
Pre-cum exploded on my tongue and I drank it down greedily.
“Turn around,” he rasped. “Give me your cunt.”
I ripped my mouth off his cock, grazing my teeth along his shaft in the process.
“Motherfucking yes!” he cried, bucking wildly.
Before he could catch his breath, I jerked my shorts down and tossed them hell knew where across his room.
Then I slid my body along his, feeling his wet cock dragging along my breasts, my stomach, then nestling right where it belonged between my thighs, as I grasped the headboard above Asher’s head.
I rolled my hips and eased down a little so that his crown dragged through my slick folds.
“Aurora,” he hissed. “Let me taste you.”
“Mmm, unbelievably tempting, but no.”
“You know I can’t move well enough to—”
“Exactly. You’re gonna relax there and let me please you.” I leaned in and breathed in his ear, “Let me fuck your black soul to oblivion.”