Page 170 of Scars Run Deep

I was panting all too heavily.

My hands were shaking violently.

I was about to hit a wall.

Almost there.

Hold on.

I just had to reach the car, that was all.

I overshot the turn in my lightheaded state and smacked into a streetlight. I clawed at it for purchase, and managed to steady myself.

It cost me precious time, though, and I looked to see Carson and his muscle were almost upon me.

I strained to peer through the dark, and I managed to catch sight of Aurora’s white-blonde hair just before she disappeared into the passenger seat.

Relief flooded me.

This was it.

We were almost out of here, then we’d be in the wind. I’d track Jonah and Killian, and then we would—

A high-pitched beeping sounded from the car when I was just twenty feet out.

And then a ball of fire erupted, tearing into it, glass, metal, and hell knew what else shooting into the air and all around the immediate area.

The impact blew me back and I landed on my knees and palms.

No! Fuck, no!

“Aurora!” I screamed. “Aurora, no! No! No!”

I ran toward the ruined vehicle, screaming at the top of my lungs, my chest burning with it.

But I never made it.

A hefty weight tackled me to the ground.

And then arms were dragging me back, so many wrapping around me and incapacitating me.

“No,” I cried. “Fuck! Aurora! Aurora!”

I saw my father step into my field of vision a moment before something smashed into my face and it was lights out.


I’d failed.

I’d fucking failed them all.