Oh my God.
I didn’t get to voice it when an alarm suddenly exploded from the speakers wired throughout the mansion. An ear-piercing whirring, almost violent in its intensity.
“Let’s move. Now,” Ronan urged.
He handed me my gun and snatched up one of the fallen guards’ Glocks for himself.
He threw open the salon door and the moment we stepped out into the corridor, automatic fire thundered, coming from several places at once.
The guards were running all over the place, taking different sites of the sudden home invasion.
Ronan was all around me then, covering me as he rushed us down the corridor, headed for the garage.
We were just a few feet out when Bryce rushed into our path, coming from Asher’s office.
“Get to the basement,” he ordered. “Go with her, keep her company until we’ve dealt with this.”
“You think these fuckers can’t breach it, you’re dreaming.”
Bryce’s eyes narrowed, suspicion setting in. “You know who they are?”
“You will the second they step out of the shadows instead of firing from there like cowards. The black hooded robes will give them away, I’m sure. Not to mention, the gold one.”
“The Infidels.” To his credit, being the hardass that he was, Bryce hid his fear extremely well and kept on point, ordering again, “Basement, Aurora.” He glared at Ronan. “They won’t breach those doors. They’re reinforced steel.”
Ronan shook his head. “You’ve got balls, buddy, it’s a real shame you’re forcing my hand.”
Before Bryce could finish his sentence, Ronan pistol-whipped him across the side of the head. As Bryce reeled, he took full advantage of it, ignoring my cries for him to stop, and smashing Bryce’s face into the wall instead, taking a chunk out of it, the brutal impact knocking poor Bryce out. I winced as he slumped down on the floor in a heap.
“Let’s go,” Ronan said, stepping over him and holding out his hand to me.
“He’s right about the basement. You shouldn’t have done that. He’s a good guy.”
He looked at me sadly. “They’ve really done a number on you. There’s nothing good here. This place isn’t for you. Your dad wants you with him. This is our one chance to get you out without inciting a war in the process with Asher and his flock.”
Gunfire rang out and I shot a look over my shoulder to see four robed assholes rounding the corner.
Ronan and I reacted on instinct and bolted around another corner just as bullets bit into the wall.
But before we could get more than a few feet down this path, three more robes turned the corner at the other end.
Ronan fired off two rapid-fire shots that had one of the invaders screaming out, then he bolted for the closest door, dragging me with him.
Heavy footsteps sounded from right outside as he locked it, then ran over to a pool table and slammed it against it.
“That won’t hold,” he muttered.
“No. It won’t,” I agreed, rushing over to the small window at this side of the mansion. “We can cut a path from here where we’ll only be exposed for ten seconds before we can disappear into the forest. The garage is no longer an option. We’ll have to make it on foot, then commandeer the closest vehicle we find along the way.”
He smiled as he joined me, helping me with the rusted window lock. “Nicely improvised plan.”
“My dad doesn’t know this side of me, who I am now.”
“That side is what he’s worried about. And another reason why you need to get out now.”
“Let’s just focus,” I grunted, his words hitting far too many nerves that had just been exposed painfully with this visit and that call.