“Well done,” he told Ryker, beaming at him with pride.
Ryker preened at his compliment, then shifted his weight and cocked an eyebrow at me in challenge.
It was clear from his tense demeanor that he expected some level of disapproval from me.
I wasn’t sure whether he believed it would extend beyond natural jealousy that the man I loved had found comfort in somebody else. It hurt right down to the bone. But he didn’t owe me anything. I deserved it for pushing him away, for breaking his heart. But, beyond the obvious, could he really think me capable of any sort of judgment, or was he merely projecting his own uneasiness at the new coupling he found himself in? He’d said it was new, so he was still finding his feet, still trying to get used to it.
“It’s beautiful,” I said.
He frowned, unsure. “Yeah?”
I nodded. “The two of you have a really supportive, sweet dynamic. You’re happier than I’ve seen you in a long time, back to your lively self. I’m glad.”
He beamed at me.
I felt one of Lucian’s binding arms leave me and move up to my hair, his fingers delving deep, as he crooned, “Make no mistake, it’s not all sweet.”
I saw them exchange a sly look, alluding to the dirtier aspects of their pairing.
I’d known Ryker had that in him, but he’d always held back with me, treating me softly, with reverence, as though he’d been worried I would break if he truly unleashed the full furor of his passions upon me.
It was predominantly my fault. My crippling shyness when it came to my sexuality was only a small part of it. I was closed off, majorly inhibited. What I’d done, what I’d submitted to in that plane, had shocked me to my core.
I saw Ryker’s eyes hood with desire as Lucian leaned in closer and trailed his tongue along my neck, across my shoulder, his hand easing my robe aside as he went, baring the top of my right breast.
Memories from the alternate plane washed over me.
A low rumble of satisfaction came from Lucian.
His fingers left me.
And suddenly they were grasping my thighs, spreading me wide, and holding me open at his will.
He licked the length of my leaking pussy from top to bottom. I moaned deeply at the feel of his hot, wet tongue teasing me. Up and down. Sensually slow and deliberate.
A hand on the belt of my robe startled me back to the present and I blinked to see Ryker standing before me, hunger blazing in his eyes. That look, combined with Lucian’s teasing tongue had my core throbbing with need.
I reached out to Ryker, but Lucian’s hand clamped down around my wrist like a vise, provoking a startled cry from me.
“Retract your magic, little sorceress,” he spoke at my ear, his sexy rumble making my breath catch.
It took me a moment to realize that my hands were still hot and I looked down to see that my magic was still live.
In fact, it was roaring nearly out of control.
Gasping, I hastily pulled it back.
“I’m sorry,” I told Ryker, knowing I’d been just shy of hurting him with it.
He looked amused, rather than offended, or the least bit worried. “You’d never hurt me. That jolt earlier was more a show of force than real power. You held back majorly. Much appreciated, gorgeous.” He cupped my chin, telling me softly, “And now? It’s because it’s been a while for you. Remember what I taught you about controlling it, while caught up in a whirlwind of sexual pleasure?”
“Yes,” I murmured. “Don’t resist the build of pleasure. Don’t let it scare me. Accept it. Then my magic won’t react defensively like that.”
He brushed his lips over mine, whispering, “Very good, sweetness.”
I looked over my shoulder at Lucian. “Is this… are we doing the joining for the Covenant now?”
Something passed between him and Ryker and the next thing I knew, he was shaking his head. “You are not ready.”