Page 72 of Immortal Burden

The chill from earlier had vanished, replaced, instead, with a dizzying heat.

I gave a nod of consent to them both, then sank back against Lucian’s hard body, indicating my acceptance of his statement. No more holding back.

Ryker beamed at me with that smile of his that he reserved only for lovemaking. Reassurance blended with erotic promise.

He stepped up close and cupped the side of my face, softly pressing his lips to mine.

His kiss was easy and hesitant, something I wasn’t surprised at, given our recent estrangement. He was clearly unsure of me, worried I’d abruptly shift gears and turn him away.

But, in this moment, this place, spurred on by the unbridled pull affecting us all, it wasn’t something I could even comprehend.

I fisted my hand in his shirt, pulling him tighter against me. “My love,” I breathed.

His eyes shone at my invocation of my most beloved endearment for him.

He brushed his lips over mine, briefly feather light, before grasping both sides of my face and crushing his lips to mine, delivering a forceful, deep kiss.

I hadn’t forgotten what an accomplished kisser he was. But experiencing it again after denying myself the indulgence for so long set me off. It was more powerful than it had ever been between the two of us, and that was truly saying something. It sparked a deep need in me. A desperate desire that begged to be sated.

I yielded to him, parting my lips, coaxing his talented tongue forth.

He took my cue, as usual, never one to disappoint, plundering my mouth, his sexual fervor sparking to life.

I moaned out at the sensation of his tongue ravishing mine, an erotic dance that had me weak at the knees within moments.

A snarl sounded behind me, Lucian’s vampiric senses obviously picking up on my spiking arousal.

His hand delved into my hair, holding me steady.

I heard a snap and then I felt his fangs scraping the right side of my throat. It was barely there, careful pressure, but the dark promise in it of so much more, had me sucking in an unsteady breath.

“Your body burns for my bite, little sorceress.” He slid the strap of my chemise off my right shoulder. The snap sounded again and then I felt the warm wetness of his tongue teasing my skin, trailing a path back and forth from my neck to my shoulder blade. “Mmm. Alas, it will not be this night.”

It was on the tip of my tongue to ask why.

But, as Ryker pulled away, breaking our heady kiss, and Lucian’s touch left me also, the two of them eyeing me predatorily as they began to strip off their shirts and jackets, a brutal realization hit me.

The pull had been so all-consuming all the while they were touching me that it’d had my good sense slipping, my normally ferocious self-preservation instincts buried down deep.

I couldn’t believe I’d been so close to not only allowing his bite, but to actually begging for it.

Something that could never happen.

I could not allow my blood to be tasted by anyone, least of all by a vampire. It would reveal what I truly was. The mask in place was the only thing preventing a vampire from turning into a full-blown ravager around me, and becoming an unstoppable killing machine. Immortal blood drove them crazy, completely unable to control their bloodlust. Once they reached that state, the only cure was death in its absolute.

I couldn’t bear the idea of that fate befalling Lucian.

I watched him lick his lips as his gaze swept over every inch of my body, and I tensed again.

None of this was like me.

I didn’t open myself to a man at all, as a rule. Ryker was the only exception.

But, for the life of me, I couldn’t step back and turn away when Lucian crooked his finger, beckoning me to him.

Ryker watched with hooded eyes as I slowly made my way toward them.

With every step forward, Lucian took a step back, his intense gaze holding mine all the while. He stopped once he reached the bed. “Come, beauty.”