Page 59 of Immortal Burden

He didn’t react in the least.

He didn’t move a muscle.

He just stood there, a fierce expression on his face. “Go away.”

Was he serious? “I’ve spent days trying to track you down!”


“I’ve been worried sick. You ignored all my calls, my messages. Even after what happened with my father.”

“Well, I’m alive. You’ve seen me. Now, go.”

“What’s wrong with you? You’re not yourself.”

“I’m fine.”

He was lying, straight to my face. Even if I hadn’t known him so well, it would still be obvious with just a cursory glance.

He didn’t look like himself at all.

It was far beyond the rumpled version of him that’d shown up to Thomas and Louise’s nuptials.

His hair was mussed, no product in it to speak of. He was wearing sweats and a tank top. He was barefoot. His normally sparkling emerald eyes were void of emotion, noticeably glazed over with dark circles beneath them. He was drenched in sweat.

But, by far, the worst of it was the blood.

It was all over him, staining his clothing, his hands.

He was moving fine, showing no signs of injury, so I knew it wasn’t his.

Bracing myself, my stomach lurching, I shot a look past him, searching for the source of it.

“What are you looking for?” he demanded harshly, making me jump.

My eyes darted back to him. “Nothing, I just—”

“You’re lying. You think I’m doing black magic, performing a ritual sacrifice, something like that.”

I hated that I’d even thought it, but the evidence was… concerning.

“I’m not my father, Mia. But thanks for lowering me to his fucked-up level. Much appreciated.”

“Ry, I didn’t mean any of that. It’s the state of you, physically and emotionally. And the blood.”

“It’s not your concern,” he said, pushing the door toward me, trying to close it.

With a spark of my magic I froze it in place. He cursed, as I stepped further inside, demanding, “Tell me right now. Whose blood is it?”

He huffed with impatience. “It’s not of consequence.”

“Using supernatural blood for a spell without authorization from the Guardian Movement is considered illegal.”

“You and your fucking rules. Such a stickler, aren’t you? Just like your holier-than-thou, tyrant of a father.”

“Is this about his attack on you?”

He looked away, muttering, “Just go.”