Grunting with the effort, I forced myself up into a sitting position. “So, what’s the fix, doc?”
“I can give you something to help you get around, to combat your waning strength. But there’s nothing I can do to stop it, Jaxon. This is far beyond my capabilities. You alluded to a connection with the Sorceress. Use that. Go to her. Not only does she possess unmatched power in the magical community, but she has access to extensive resources, her limitless Guardian connections.”
Jesus fucking Christ.
The defeat and sympathy coming off her sparked something in me that I didn’t want.
I forced a grin, telling her, “So, me taking you to heaven and back on my dick that year really isn’t helping me out, huh?”
“It had me dropping everything to come to you.”
I cocked an eyebrow. “Yeah? Is that right?”
She tugged at her hair. “Jaxon, don’t disregard this. It’s gravely serious.”
Just like that, the brutal tension was back. “Yeah, I picked up on that, loud and clear.”
“You must contact the Sorceress as soon as possible.”
That was it!
I slammed my fist into the mattress.
“I can’t, okay? I can’t! I’ve fucking well tried. I can’t track her. There’s something in the way… some kind of block.”
She frowned, seeming almost as surprised as I was. “This situation requires Guardian-level expertise. So, if you can’t go to her, find another one of them to assist you.” Her worry was all over her face. “And soon, Jaxon. Not only is this not going away, but its severity is—”
“I get it, Eira. But if that winged demon is their leader, all his uptight followers are gonna tell me to fuck right off, aren’t they?” I scrubbed my hand over my face. “Nah, I’ll find another way.”
“There happens to be a certain member who operates in the gray, who is not such a stickler for their rules. He is also a known friend and aide to we lowlier supernatural beings.”
“His name is Ryker Morgan.”
Vexing. Impulsive. Sweetheart.
I tapped the heal of my stiletto on the concrete, struggling to contain my impatience.
Pulling my navy blazer tight to me against the chilling gust of wind ripping through the area, I eyed the two security guards and the mammoth wrought iron gates behind them blocking my entry to the Maven Coven.
The shorter of the two stood a couple of feet back, his inhibitor at the ready, should the security check prove problematic. The other swept a shimmering baton over me, a device that read a being’s supernatural essence to confirm that they were who they said they were. Although, they knew me well by sight, it was possible for someone with enough power to employ a glamor and pose as anyone they chose. It had happened before with Ryker’s father, and ever since, the Coven had added the additional check to their security protocol. The baton also read a being’s intentions, determining whether they were on the side of good or evil, as well as whether they practiced dangerous magic, such as black magic.
“All clear, Miss Snow,” the guard announced finally, lowering the baton and stepping back.
He lifted his chin at his companion and with a wave of his hand, the gates opened, allowing me passage.
“Thank you,” I said, forcing a calm politeness that wasn’t coming easy to me in my current state.
I strode on through, walking at a rapid pace, urgency gripping me. I could barely contain my anxiety, my depth of concern.
Please let him be here.