Before I could get a word out, he whistled and somebody else walked in.
Well, more like swept in, really.
“That’s why I called her here,” T said, flashing a shit-eating grin.
I sucked in a breath. “Eira.”
“Jaxon,” she returned in that forthright way of hers. She adjusted her medical bag on her shoulder and smiled. “It’s been a while.”
“Damn, if only you were wolf, love,” T cut in.
Eira flipped her curly white hair back and bit at him over her shoulder, “Leave us. Attend to your duties.”
He laughed and took off, closing the door behind him.
“I see he hasn’t matured with age,” Eira commented as she crossed to me.
I watched her hips sway, her large breasts straining in her skin-tight silver dress, the thing sweeping along the hardwood floor as she made her way over.
“He’s just screwing around. Helps him deal when shit's going down that he can’t control.”
“Well, I must admit, it was prudent of him to call me here.” She looked me up and down, sweat dripping down my bare chest, my sweatpants not much better.
“Lie down,” she ordered. “You can barely stand. Your stubbornness is only worsening your condition.”
“Condition?” I muttered, struggling back into bed. “Shouldn’t be a condition. I’m wolf.”
I reached for the covers, but she batted my hand away. “Leave them down so I can assess you.”
“Are you this bitchy to all your patients?”
She was a healing witch. She didn’t have a shitload of power like a sorceress, any of those Guardian types. Her magic was defensive and she only used it to fix supes up, something she was really good at. It was how we’d met, around fifteen years back when I’d been a wild, young twenty-year-old Alpha-in-training. She’d come to heal my old man after he’d taken a big hit in battle from a vamp who’d stabbed him with a magical object of some kind. A real powerful, son of a bitch who’d been on a mission to kill Hank Silver.
The Ancient, Lucian Black.
“Bitchy?” Eira said, looming over me. “While your Alpha wolf misogyny merely amuses me, I’d watch comments like that around Miss Snow. She won’t stand for it.”
My gaze shot to hers. “What do you know?”
She plonked her bag down on the bed and began rifling through it. “I can sense her magic all over the place. Not to mention, the potent sexual energy.”
I shrugged. “Huh.”
She rolled her eyes, then leaned in and got to work examining me.
Silence fell as I let her do her thing and strained to contain my impatience.
She pulled back after several minutes and stowed away her gear. “Well, your temperature is off the charts.”
“Wolves are naturally warm-blooded, our temperatures always high.”
“I’m well aware and I’ve taken that into account. You have a severe fever. Your heart is straining with… whatever this is. It’s overwhelming your body.”
“So, you have no clue what it is?”
“Not yet.” She pulled out a tool I’d seen her use on my dad. It read supernatural energy and it looked like a Taser, but glowed pink, the color of her magic.
“Did you start a claim?” she asked, pausing with the reader in hand.