Sexy. Classy. Mate.
“Fuck!” I roared, tossing my covers off.
I was choking in the next second, a brutal cough exploding out of me, screwing with my escape plan.
It was a good thing I never gave in easily to any obstacle that stood in my path.
My body burning in some deep pain, I gritted my teeth and rolled out of bed, slamming my hand against the bedside table to stop myself from falling flat on my face.
My fingers dug into the rough wood as I fought to keep upright.
I was shaking real bad, sweat dripping off me.
I was so lightheaded I could hardly see straight.
Wolves didn’t get sick like this.
It had to be that winged demon who’d burst in here and attacked me.
I didn’t get it, I’d been fine when I’d first woken up afterward. But a day later and three days since, I’d been this way and unable to shake it since.
Was this his way of keeping me away from Mia?
The smart-mouthed Guardian.
The classiest babe I’d ever met.
The sexiest woman I’d ever laid eyes on, all blue eyes and silky dark hair with those vibrant blue streaks at the front giving her an even more special edge.
The sorceress with some major magical clout.
An innocent little lamb, in spite of all the rest.
My bedroom door flew open, pulling me from my thoughts.
“Knocking too good for you?” I snapped at my Beta, Tyson, as he strode on in.
“Shit,” he exclaimed, when he saw the sight of me looking really fucked up, barely keeping upright by my bed.
He tugged at his long, brown hair in distress.
“Chill. I told you it’ll pass, T.”
“Yeah? You said that days ago.”
He started forward.
I held up a shaking hand. “Stay back,” I ordered. “We don’t know what this is. The last thing we need is this shit spreading through the pack, especially to the kids.”
“Well, I’ve been keeping it on the down low like you said, but the pack’s starting to ask questions.” He eyed my laptop at the foot of the bed. “Running things holed up in here isn’t gonna cut it much longer.”