“She couldn’t. The Immortal compromised her magic temporarily.”
“He did what?”
Lucian held up a hand. “Rest assured, she is well. And I am extremely relieved that you are as well.”
“If her magic was compromised, how did you find me? Did you… hunt me… like prey?”
He chuckled, “No, but let’s not rule that out in the future. The thrill for both parties can be exceptionally arousing.”
He smiled, then told me the deal. “We didn’t know exactly where you were, but I was able to narrow it down from the several locations she put forward when I felt your distress.”
“Felt it?”
“I fed from you,” he said, matter-of-fact. “Your blood remains in my system, facilitating a connection.”
“How? It’s been several days. That’s not normal, even for an Ancient.”
“It’s not, no.”
“Then, how?”
“Our time together seems to have formed a link, of sorts, between us.”
That old bastard’s words rang in my head, all his talk of establishing soul-deep connections. Was that what’d happened here?
Lucian moved closer, his soaked designer suit straining with his movements. “You are fortunate that I was relatively close.” He gazed around. “Why do you reside so far from civilization these days?”
“When I first became a Guardian, I wasn’t exactly humble about it. I developed a rep in the supernatural community, becoming a bit of a celebrity. People would flock to my door for magical favors, for entertaining displays of my power. Magic groupies wanting a piece of me. It became too much.”
“Youthful indiscretions are a rite of passage for us all.”
“You’re in a similar boat. But you don’t shy from the spotlight. At Polaris, you’re right smack damn in the middle of it. How do you cope with it, why would you do it, especially with the whole loner mindset that comes with being a vampire?”
“I don’t let them handle me, sorcerer. I handle them.”
“You’re very skilled at it.”
I tensed, realizing the subtext to what I’d just said the moment the words had left my mouth. Shit.
Heat surged through me at the look of satisfaction sparking in his eyes at my endorsement of his sexual talents.
I cleared my throat and said, “I’m sorry I haven’t been in touch. I’ve been busy.”
“You really wish to play this game?”
I tensed. “Game? Being a Guardian isn’t my only role, you know? People in the supernatural community rely on me for a great deal.”
“Yes, I am well aware of your benevolence. But a busy schedule is not the reason you have been unreachable.”
“What else would it be?”
“Perhaps me inadvertently making a claim on you the other night? My invitation to dinner also, I suspect.”
“That’s not exactly—”
“I had my fangs buried in your throat, your blood on my tongue. The expression of such a profound sentiment was perhaps impacted by the high and the thrall of such an intense experience.”