Of course, that didn’t mean my heart wasn’t jackhammering like crazy in my chest.
Calling forth a storm in a matter of seconds? It was unheard of. Even with my great power, I couldn’t pull that off, neither its intensity, nor its speed.
“This is about what I overheard at the Maven Coven reception?”
He stopped right in front of me, my question seeming to irritate him further.
“Of course, boy. As much as I detest the fact, you are an immensely powerful being, second only to Mia. The Ancient is unmatched by any other of his species, too. You three must put aside your personal issues and align as one. Your wishes and inclinations are irrelevant and trivial in the face of the threat that the Beast poses. Individually, you will all fall, but together you may very well prevail.”
“Align as one?” I asked, wanting to see his reaction, as the true meaning hit me as brutally as his damned ball of magic had. “You’re actually pimping out your daughter for the greater good here?”
With a bellow of indignation, he let loose one of his lightning bolts.
But, this time, I was ready, sweeping my palms in an arc to conjure a glowing, green shield.
I choked as it hit, the power making me stagger back a couple of steps.
I gritted my teeth, digging my heels into the ground, every muscle in my body straining to hold the bolt at bay.
He actually looked impressed for a second, snuffing out the bolt, before he returned to lecture-mode, telling me, “The effectiveness of such a special Covenant depends upon the formation of a soul-deep connection.” Revulsion marred his features. “Unfortunately, achieving that often requires receiving one another physically, as well as emotionally. Opening to one another wholly. At that point the power fusion will be complete.”
I lowered my hands, but refused to retract my magic. I didn’t trust the old bastard.
Plus, everything he’d just revealed had me majorly on edge, more than I actually thought possible.
It was a hell of a lot to reconcile.
To ask that of me?
To debase myself yet again to Mia?
To allow interference into what was happening between me and Lucian, something I hadn’t even figured out for myself yet?
“Did you hear me, boy?” he pressed.
Boy? His continued belittling, while having the gall to ask such a thing of me, was pissing me off more and more with every passing second. “She wants rid of me. She’s made that abundantly clear.”
“She wants rid of this mission, not you. She believes she is sparing you by keeping her distance.”
“She intended to go it alone, refusing to burden you with such a responsibility.” He rolled his eyes. “She does not realize that you are all equally responsibly. All three of you must take up the mantle of the Covenant. You three are the greatest of your respective species. Combined, you will stand even with Draco.”
“What about you? You already match him, don’t you?”
“I cannot end another of my kind. It is an unbending Law.”
“Then just subdue him like you did last time.”
“He will keep coming. His intent this time is not mere chaos. It is annihilation and domination.”
Well, shit. “I need time with this.”
He roared, lightning striking all over the forest, thunder rolling overheard, rain exploding from the sky in a torrential downpour, soaking the both of us instantly.
Instinctively, I raised my hands to conjure some sort of protection.
The distracted move cost me big.