He swung his head around, his body going rigid, the way it did when he was sensing an incoming approach.
Looking back at me quickly, he said, “Be well, sorcerer.”
And then, in a burst of speed, he was gone, disappearing back into the night.
In the next couple of seconds, vibrant blue light lit up the area as Mia appeared in a cloud of teleportation.
Concerned eyes met mine instantly, and she was rushing toward me in the next moment, the blue strands at the forefront of her hair escaping her hooded cloak in her haste. “Are you okay? I felt your weakness for a moment, the illusion shuddered in and out, and then a numbed sensation.”
“I’m fine. One of the vamps took a chunk out of my neck, but I healed myself quickly.”
“You’re sure? You swear it to me?”
I smiled. “I swear, relax, I’m honestly fine.”
She threw her arms around me and I held her to me.
She loved me.
I loved her.
It was all over us.
We were solid.
Lucian was wrong.
Caring. Lovelorn. Sweetheart.
My nerves threatened to get the best of me as I approached the little cottage nestled deep in the forest.
Ryker’s home these days.
It was a conflicting element to the persona he exuded publicly, the house understated, quiet, and homely.
Quite the opposite of the flashy, super friendly and loud personality he showed to the world.
A few years back, he’d resided in the heart of the supernatural community in a mansion rivaling the size of mine. As his celebrity had grown, however, so had the pressure of that existence, resulting in him retreating to this place instead. With this, he could now turn that part of him on and off as he so wished.
I reached the front door and took a moment before knocking and announcing my arrival.
I’d considered not coming at all and giving him space instead.
But after witnessing the state of him at the Maven Coven wedding, the need to check on him had won out.
We weren’t together anymore in a romantic sense, but he was still extremely important to me, someone I cared deeply about, someone I always would.
I drew in a centering breath and grasped the brass knocker and used it to rap on the oak door.
I heard footsteps shortly thereafter.
They quickly grew in prominence and then the door was thrown open.
He physically jolted when he saw that it was me standing on his doorstep.