Page 13 of Immortal Burden

“Can you truly tell me that wasn’t the case?”

He dropped his gaze to his glass.

I watched as he gulped down the remainder of the liquid, then placed it down on the coffee table, before rising to his feet. “Thank you for the drink. And I apologize for my behavior when I first arrived. It was abhorrent and you didn’t deserve that. I’ll make sure to apologize to your Head of Security as well on my way out.” He scrubbed his hand over the coarse stubble plaguing his jaw. “When it comes to her, I’m just—”

“Awash in mindless love?”


“She has dismissed you, yet you still carry her with you.”

“I’m remedying that.”

I placed my glass down, then rose to my feet also. “Glad to hear it. Acceptance is the key to a peaceful heart and mind. I remember telling you that not long ago.”

Our gazes clashed.

“I wasn’t referring to your relationship at the time directly, but rather the broader scope, that which you continue to repress.”


“This seems an opportune time to address it at long last.”

Intensity sparked between us, something that had been happening for far too long without any reprieve. Every single time we’d come into contact.

It was different this time, though.

Now there was no barrier. Nothing for him to shield his denial and reservations behind.

His eyes roamed over me, trying to affect a studious gaze as they slid down from my wavy jet-black hair brushing my collar, down to the broad shoulders of my Armani pinstripe, over the muscular bulk being contained by my tailored suit jacket and my crisp white shirt beneath. I only just managed to suppress a grin as they lingered on my belt and pants longer than a mere scan would necessitate.

When his alluring emerald pools of intensity snapped back to mine, there was unquestionable interest sparking. In their depths, and barely accessible at surface level, because he was once again allowing apprehension to lead the way and get the best of him.

“I… I’ll be seeing you,” he spoke, his voice rough, as though he’d taken a lot of effort to force those words past his lips.

He turned from me then and I watched him head to the door, his usual swagger somewhat diminished.

I couldn’t let it be.

I couldn’t let it go.

Not this time.

With a burst of vampiric speed, I stood behind him.

He jolted and moved to turn around, but I slammed my palm to his upper back, pushing him against the wall adjacent to the door. He sucked in a stilted breath as my hot breath fanned across the side of his neck as I breathed, “Stay a while.”

My name left his lips in another weak protest like before.

He tried to push back against me, but a magic-wielder without access to their magic was nothing compared to an Ancient’s strength.

“Why did you come here?”

“You know why.”

“I know what you claimed the reason to be.”

“What are you—”