As I reach for his collar, my foot slips on the slick grass and I flail through the air. I crash onto the ground with a loud splat that probably echoes throughout the park. Gizmo jumps on top of me like he’s claiming victory.

“Traitor,” I mutter to him. As I start to push myself up, trying not to slip again, Gizmo jumps off me and trots toward Grandad. Mud oozes between my fingers, and I can’t help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. I stand up and spin around, I’m met with big, blue eyes.

“Looks like you stumbled upon Rustic Ridge’s finest spa treatment,” Piper teases.

“Ah, yes, the exclusive mud bath” I reply sarcastically, glancing down at my mud-covered shirt and pants. “It’s all the rage with the…well, with just me, apparently.”

Piper tries to maintain a serious expression. “Didn’t anyone tell you that the ground gets slippery after it rains?”

“You don’t say.” I act surprised, my eyes flickering to her mouth where she’s biting her lip to hold back laughter. “I’ll make sure to add it to my list of ‘Things to Remember When Chasing after Mischievous Dogs after It Rains.’”

“Good idea. Maybe laminate it for weatherproofing,” she suggests with a playful wink.

Piper calls after Gizmo, who happily prances over to her. She puts on his leash before turning back to me. “I have to get back to the bakery,” she says as I nod.

She gives a little wave to my grandfather, who’s still sitting on the bench. I’m sure he is enjoying the show. Piper locks eyes with me again as she takes a step backward. When she starts to turn around, her footing gives way in the wet grass, and she begins to fall backward. Instinct kicks in, and my arms shoot out, wrapping around her waist just in time to catch her. Her weight presses against me, and for a brief moment, time seems to slow as her enchanting-blue eyes meet mine. In that fleeting instant, I feel a rush of connection, a silent understanding passing between us.

“Didn’t anyone tell you that the ground gets slippery after it rains?” I tease her.

A soft chuckle escapes her lips. “You don’t say.”

I steady her with my hands on her arms. Gizmo barks, breaking our eye contact. He’s sitting with his head turned to the side and his tongue lolling out as he looks up at us.

Piper grabs his leash. “I…uh…I better go,” she says shyly as she thumbs her hand over her shoulder.

As she starts to walk away, she looks back at me and flashes a smile before crossing the street. I can’t help but watch her go, feeling the corners of my lips tug up into a smirk. Something inside me stirs. Is this what opening myself up to possibilities feels like? This trip is becoming more unpredictable by the second, and for some reason, all I can do is smile.



As I walk through the back entrance of the bakery carrying Gizmo, I quickly grab a towel to wipe off his muddy paws. Mud…so messy. The image of Caleb’s muscular arms wrapped around me, his hazel eyes gazing into mine, and—I shake my head. No, I can’t like Caleb. I can’t be falling for him. He’s just my fake boyfriend doing fake boyfriend things. Correction, decent human being things. Anyone would have caught me, right? Anyone would have kept me from falling into the mud. But it wasn’t just anyone, it was Caleb who caught me. Pull yourself together, Piper!

I stand up straight and compose myself before heading into the kitchen where Mia is working on our cookie orders. I grab my pink apron—a reminder of my grandma who loved to bake and always wore a beautiful floral pink apron. It’s like a piece of her is always with me.

Mia points at my shirt. “What happened to you?”

I glance down to find mud smudged on my shirt. My cheeks turn red as I think about Caleb’s hand touching that exact spot moments ago, and I quickly cover it with my hand.

“Oh, just a little mishap with Gizmo,” I say nonchalantly, trying to brush it off. “Good thing I have a spare shirt in my office. Be right back to help with the orders!”

I change into a clean shirt and join Mia again to finish out the workday. But I can’t stop thinking about Caleb and the look he had in his eyes when they locked onto mine. It felt like there was something there…something meaningful but maybe I’m reading too much into it.

The next day is a normal Monday—an actual normal day, not the typical Tuesday kind of day I had last week. On Mondays, I usually run a few errands in the morning and make sure we are good to go on everything for the rest of the week. And then it’s a quick cleanup of the dining room and register then off to the cookie subscription orders.

Mia’s voice breaks through my thoughts. “Your man stopped by this morning,” Mia says with a sly grin.

I roll my eyes, knowing exactly who she’s referring to. “You mean Caleb?”

“Considering you’re only fake dating him, you two seem to spend quite a bit of time together.” Her eyes sparkling mischievously.

I playfully scoff at her teasing. “If you’re jealous, my mother offered her matchmaking services to find you the man of your dreams.” I make the last part sound enchanting causing Mia to laugh.

“After the last disaster you saved me from, I think I’ll pass.” She shakes her head. “Now, leave me to bake these cookies in peace.” She waves her hand, gesturing me to leave.

“You’re the best Mia,” I tell her sincerely. “I’m taking Gizmo for a walk and stopping by the Farmers Market outside the library today. Do you need anything?”

“I always forget about the mid-week one. I usually go to the weekend one for my fruits and veggies.” She ponders for a moment. “But I think I have everything I need for the week. Thanks for thinking of me.”