“I hope Piper knows you kidnapped her dog,” I tease him. “I’m guessing you stopped to get your normal trusty black coffee and cheese Danish from her this morning?”

“I did,” my grandfather confirms, glancing up at me. “She’s good people,” he says with a smirk.

“No matchmaking schemes, Grandad,” I grumble as I settle onto the bench beside him. “You know my job doesn’t leave much time for a social life, especially not a long distance one in Rustic Ridge.”

He cocks his head at me silently telling me that’s a “bunch of baloney” as he would say. “Now tell me, how are things going with the company? No corporate jargon, just grandson to grandfather.”

“Things are…good,” I admit, though the word feels too simple for all the complexities of the company. “We’re in the clinical trial phase for a new medication. That’s always a bit stressful, but we’re making progress.”

“Good, good.” He nods, satisfied yet somehow looking beyond my words. “Just remember, Caleb, there’s more to life than chasing the next big breakthrough.”

“Isn’t that what I’m doing now? Taking a break, enjoying the simple pleasures of duck-watching with my Grandad and my fake girlfriends’ dog?”

Gene laughs, a deep, resonant sound that never fails to make me feel like everything will be alright. Being here with him has been such a blessing. I’ve missed these moments, and I’m already determined to make more time for them once we’re back home. Despite being busy with work, this trip has reminded me of what truly matters: family. He’s all I have left, or at least, all I remember having.

“You know, I’m so proud of all you’ve taken upon yourself to accomplish in this life. Your parents, grandmother, and I are going to have a grand celebration when I go on home,” he adds, a hint of wistfulness in his tone as the reality of his advancing age weighs on me.

As we sit together, I can’t help but feel emotional. I’ll miss having him around when his time here on earth is done. Is this what was weighing on him this morning? About him going home? “Grandad, are there any health issues you haven’t told me about?”

“No, Son, I’m fit as a fiddle. But you know, at eighty-five, I’ve lived a fulfilling life. I’m trying to tie up loose ends, such as making decisions about my real estate portfolio. My recent dealings with Dominic made me realize I can’t keep up with these properties like I once did. I used to plan trips to check on my investments and scour the internet for new investments. I want to explore all the options available when we meet with this Nolan fellow.”

“I’m here to support you in any way I can, Grandad,” I respond to him.

“Thank you, Caleb. You know, your grandma had a real knack for real estate investing. Her love started on our honeymoon when we drove across the United States and found this place,” he reveals with a hint of nostalgia.

“I never knew that. So Grandma helped you find Rustic Ridge and the other properties here?” I ask surprised.

He nods. “She grew up with very little, and when we married, she wanted to travel, see places beyond her wildest dreams. My trust fund made that possible, but it was through real estate investing that we were able to create something lasting. And your dad inherited the same passion for it. He loved it just as much, if not more than I did. After we lost—” He pauses to clear his throat. “After the accident, continuing with it was my way of staying close to your dad and grandma,” he says as tears rise in my eyes.

My parents and grandmother tragically passed away in a car crash when I was eight years old. It was caused by a drunk driver who was celebrating his engagement and ended up causing the worst night of my grandfather’s and my life. We were fortunate to have each other, and our bond only strengthened after that tragedy.

“I am so sorry,” I whisper. “I didn’t realize how much real estate meant to you. If I had known…maybe I would have made different choices.”

“I believe you would have,” my grandfather says with a gentle smile. “But I wanted you to make decisions for your future based on what brings you joy and fulfillment in life, just like real estate did for me. That’s why I never shared it with you.”

“You sly, old man,” I tease him with a grin.

“I wanted you to carve your own path. To make your own choices, without shadows from the past dictating your future. And look at what you’ve accomplished! You built a company with a meaningful purpose. Just remember, working yourself to death isn’t worth it. Having someone special by your side to share life’s ups and downs is what makes the journey worthwhile.”

“I know,” I sigh, feeling the weight of those words on my heart. “I haven’t met anyone who I could see settling down with, especially after Nancy. I want someone who is selfless and kind, who sees me for who I am, not my bank account.”

“I understand, Caleb,” Grandpa says, his tone gentle. “Nancy left an impact on you, but don’t let that define your future. You deserve someone who appreciates you for the wonderful person you are. Keep your heart open, and the right person will come along when the time is right. But you have to be open to it,” he adds.

“I suppose I should make more of an effort to put myself out there and try to find someone.”

“Or maybe visit the local bakery more often while we’re here,” he suggests with a mischievous grin.

“You’re incorrigible.” I chuckle and shake my head, noticing Gizmo getting closer to the edge of the pond. “I think we’d better get Gizmo.”

“I’m not letting this go,” my grandfather says as I stand up from the bench.

“Gizmo, come here, boy!” I call out, my tone firm yet playful. He looks at me with his tongue hanging out and his eyes defiant.

I step closer trying to coax him. “Come on, Gizmo.”

He barks playfully, crouching down with his front paws and his hindquarters in the air as his tail wags excitedly. He looks ready to pounce at any moment.

“Alright, tough guy,” I say, trying not to laugh.