After dinner, Gene left to go home while the wedding party runs through the events for the next day. I ask Piper if I can walk her home, even though it’s just a few minutes down the road.

“Thank you for coming,” she whispers.

I boldly take her fingers in mine. “I had a lot of fun.”

She smiles up at me. “Me too.”

“It was nice getting to know your family better. I can’t imagine having so many people who care about me,” I say.

“Even though they can be overwhelming, I wouldn’t trade them up for anything,” she says with a genuine smile.

“Can I ask a favor though?” I ask as I squeeze her hand.

“What’s that?”

“No surprise fortune cupcakes.”

She rolls her eyes at me playfully. “No promises.”

We both laugh and then she looks at me, a little more serious now. “I have a favor to ask of you.”

“Hmm?” I answer her.

I realize whatever she asks of me, the answer is yes; I’ll do anything for her. I’ll drive here every weekend to see her. No—I’ll buy a private plane to get here within minutes. I’ll give up my entire world for her.

We walk up the small sidewalk to her house when she responds, “Can we talk about this fake dating thing?”

We get to the porch, and she turns to face me. I grab her other hand and lock my eyes on hers. I can see the nervousness in her eyes. “Only if that talk means we can stop pretending and can start dating for real,” I say boldly.

“It might have to do with that,” she teases.

A small smile spreads across her lips, and she looks down shyly, biting her bottom lip. My heart races taking her in. She’s beautiful inside and out, she’s sweet and keeps me on my toes, and she makes me want to truly live. I let go of her hand and gently lift her chin towards me before pressing my lips to hers. Her warm, soft lips could keep me captivated forever in this moment.

I pull my lips from hers and stare into her blue eyes.

“Piper Griffin, will you officially be my girlfriend?”

“Caleb Mercer, I thought you’d never ask.”

I place both hands on her cheeks and pull her in for one last kiss before saying goodnight.



I am jolted awake by my alarm as my mind is still in the midst of the most wonderful dream. I reach for my phone to turn off the noise and see an unread text message.


Good morning, beautiful.

It wasn’t a dream. The events of last night come flooding back in. He walked me home. I asked to talk to him about our fake dating situation. He told me he wanted to date me for real. I turned into a puddle. And then…

Caleb Mercer kissed me. Caleb Mercer and I kissed. I kissed Caleb Mercer.

He kissed me. HE KISSED ME.

Calm down, Piper. You’ve been kissed before.