“Three hundred and six that can be shipped. But a few of these, I’m not sure what’s wrong with them,” she says, her tone immediately catches my attention—she sounds distressed.

“Mia, is this too much for you? I have other baked goods we can put in these boxes,” I offer, as I don’t want her feeling burnt out—or worse, quit.

“A few of the part-timers have already been helping me with tasks like assembling boxes,” she replies.

I notice she moves to the next batch of cookies, and we continue inventorying. Mia is more reserved in general but she usually makes conversation when she and I work together.

Just then, an employee pokes their head into the back room. “Loraine needs your help, Piper.”

I let out a weary sigh. Loraine insists that only I can help her. She’s afraid that someone will do something incorrect in her order. I know it’s likely due to her age and maybe some dementia, so I try to be patient with her. But today, I’m feeling overwhelmed.

“I’ll be right back,” I tell Mia as I head for the front of the bakery.

“Hey, Loraine,” I say with a friendly smile plastered on my face.

Without missing a beat, Loraine barks at me. “This girl was trying to give me poppy seeds. You know I can’t have those.”

“Well, we have some delicious banana muffins if that would be better,” I suggest.

Loraine always orders the poppy seed muffin. But it’s not worth arguing with Loraine; you just have to take it on the chin and move on. Some of the younger staff may want to argue, but it’s pointless and will only frustrate everyone involved.

“I love bananas,” Loraine says after a moment’s contemplation. “See, this is why I always ask for you.” She wags a finger in my direction.

“I appreciate your business,” I thank her before ringing up her order and seeing her off.

Back in the kitchen, I notice Mia putting down a phone call and looking pale. She quickly puts the phone on a shelf behind her and gets back to work.

“Is everything okay?” I ask, concerned.

She nods quickly.

“Mia, you know I’m here if you need someone to talk to,” I offer quietly as I start working on the last batch of double chocolate cookies for this month’s box.

“I know,” she replies then sighs. “He’s calling again. He keeps changing numbers, so I don’t even know it’s him until I pick up.”

He would be Jason, a truly awful ex-boyfriend who she used to think she was in love with years ago. Unfortunately, the man had an anger management issue that made their relationship volatile and scary. I’ve known Mia since culinary school, and when she reached out needing a place to lie low, I didn’t hesitate to offer my spare room. Now, she’s an essential part of my business, and I can’t imagine life without her. She’s always looking over her shoulder, expecting the man to catch up with her. I can’t even fathom what that is like, but I do my best to be there for her when she needs me.

“Do you think you need to get a new number?” I ask her.

“I don’t know. I thought he would have given up by now,” she says, rolling her eyes. “I don’t want to cause any more trouble here, and you know how much I love my job.”

“You are not trouble,” I reassure her. “You’re the best partner I could ask for in this business. My goodness, you never worry about that.” I pull her in for a hug.

“Thanks, Piper.” She hugs me back. “Oh, man!” She slaps her head. “Look at the time. I forgot about the post office! I need to go grab the new flyers for the boxes. I’ll be back.”

“No worries,” I tell her as she flies toward the back door.

“Hi, Gizmo.” She pats his head through his crate before going through the exit.

“I didn’t mean to eavesdrop,” Caleb’s voice startles me from behind. I turn to face him, holding my chest.

“You’re like a ninja. How did you get in here without me hearing you?” I ask.

“I have mad skills,” he laughs, making me smile like a schoolgirl.

Stop it, Piper.

“Is Mia okay?” he asks sincerely.