As I turn to walk out, she calls after me. “Oh, and maybe duck and cover from your mom.”

My face immediately falls at her words. “Why?”

“She left a message on the office voicemail. She wants to know your opinion on mustard yellow?”

“We’re doing bridesmaid dresses later this week…please tell me it’s not for the dresses,” I grumble as a sense of dread starts creeping in.

She shrugs. “That’s all she said.”

“The woman knows I always have my phone on me,” I complain, showing her my cell phone. “And why does she insist on leaving these types of messages on my work phone?”

“Maybe she thinks you’re more likely to answer it during business hours?” Mia replies.

“I’m not so sure about that.” I give her a skeptical look.

“Maybe she does it to drive you crazy,” Mia suggests with a shrug.

“I think that’s the most plausible explanation,” I say with a sigh.

“Have fun and good luck,” she says and immediately starts scooping cookies onto the silicone-lined trays.

I stomp down the hallway towards my office, feeling annoyed. I reach my desk and grab a dog treat before turning to Gizmo’s crate. It may be too big for him, but it allows me to leave a pillow, toys, and food inside while still giving him room to play. Despite that, he still looks unhappy about being kept in there today. He’s been spoiled since Gene has been taking him on all kinds of adventures.

“Are you ready for a walk?” I ask, opening the door to his crate.

“Now, I know you’re mad,” I say crouching down low. “But I promised you a long walk and a treat.” I reveal the small piece of meat hidden behind my back.

His eyes light up as he snatches the treat and happily prances towards the back door.

“That’s more like it,” I say to the mischievous pup as I clip his leash on him and head outside towards the library.

Everyone knows and loves Gizmo—he’s like the town mascot. Except for the fact he hates pretty much everyone except Mia, Gene, and myself. Caleb is still on thin ice since the mud incident. I’m starting to wonder if Gizmo did it on purpose. He did claim victory after all. As he trots in front of me, he pauses then lets out a little yap.

My mom steps out of the beauty salon. “Hello, Piper, I thought you might be heading out to the Farmer’s Market.”

I glance into the beauty salon’s window with a knowing smirk. “Seems like you were gossiping with friends, waiting for me to pass by.” I chuckle, knowing that’s probably exactly what she was doing and she won’t be able to hide it.

No one in our family is gifted with the ability to lie. With all of us being so close, we know everyone’s tells. I’m guessing this little ruse is an attempt to get me alone.

“Fine, maybe I was,” she admits. “You know Judy hears everything, and I had to get the latest news.”

I shake my head at her. She can’t resist getting involved in everyone’s business.

Is your beau with you again?” she asks, making a little humming noise.

“I’ll probably see him later,” I tell her, pretty certain that I’ll see him at some point.

Caleb and I have spent time together every day since he got to town five days ago. His grandfather comes to my bakery every morning for his usual coffee and apple Danish, and of course to play with Gizmo. It’s going to be so sad when they go back to Chicago—Gizmo will miss his new best friend. Just to clarify, I’m Gizmo’s mom—Mia is the one being replaced.

Gene has also been hanging out with the “Grey Legends” as they call themselves. They’re an eclectic group of older men who spend most mornings in the back booth of my bakery. They’ll eat, chat, and play cards or chess. They’re a lively bunch, always laughing and cracking jokes. Caleb usually comes in after his morning meetings and enjoys his new favorite pastry, a chocolate chip croissant. One day when he was running late, he mentioned how happy he was that his grandfather had found a place to hang out while he worked and that he wasn’t surprised how quickly Gene made new friends.

“You know…we don’t know anything about Caleb other than what Missy found online,” she whispers as if it’s something scandalous.

“What did Missy find out?”

“You thought Nolan’s family was rich? Well, Caleb probably has his own private jet,” she reveals, and I can’t deny it; I know that he and his family have money, but I don’t know how much.

“And that’s a problem?”