Page 38 of Nick

His overprotective instincts were working overtime. Mallen must have felt torn between her and Jenny, but Perdy was fine because Drake was quite savage, and Perdy was more than capable of taking care of herself.

Drey piped up, “I’ll stay and join the hunt. Clara’s safe with Samiel, Karen, and Sylva. Nick will be joining them with my people. They have plenty of protection.” The words were pointed as if he were warning Perdy to be careful.

“I will, I will,” she groaned. She needed to hunt. They moved around quietly, and she asked a question that caused his heart to sink. “The guard. Does he have a family?”

There was no answer to Perdy’s question, so Drey must have nodded or shook his head in response. He knew the answer already and had to call them and tell them the devastating news.

When the attacks on site one occurred, he already had a number of statements prepared in case any of his people were injured or killed. It was a sad part of his responsibilities.

He would have to prepare a thoughtful statement so that he could answer any questions they might have.

He didn’t want Numbers to be accused of being responsible for the incident. The attack was yet another instance of a human assault on Numbers.

Getting into what was supposed to be a secure prison was challenging to understand, but Greg worked there, so he knew all the codes. The traitor was on his team, and he would have to explain it to the family.

The thought made his heart squeeze.

The sound of the lift opening alerted him to the fact that they were leaving.

He leaned back in his chair, alone with the person who had betrayed them all, but mostly, who stabbed a huge blade through Nick’s heart, which turned out to be an easy target.

Drey returned several hours later.

Howard was pulled into the room by Drew and Josie. He nodded at them but was careful not to disturb them while they were carrying Howard. They walked to the back, and Drey followed.

Nick closed the door to Greg’s cell and walked behind them. He raised his eyebrows as they dumped him in Drake’s old cell. “Why here?” he asked Drey.

“Reinforced, more difficult to escape from. We thought Drake would tear the place apart, but it turns out we never even needed it for him.”

“How is everyone doing?” he asked.

Even though he knew Drey would become more frantic if someone were injured, he still had a lot of family and friends up there, so he had to ask.

“Everyone is fine. Drake and Perdy…I’m not sure exactly what happened, but they looked battered. Perdy didn’t seem to have any obvious wounds, but I could smell blood. Drake got a few scrapes, but nothing that threatened their lives.”

“Where are they?”

“Gone to recover, I assume. There’s a raging storm outside now, and they both look a mess.”

“Hmm. I’ve had better days,” he agreed, watching them throw Howard on the ground and back out. They locked it and looked at Drey.

“Me too,” muttered Drey in reply. “We’ll get Myers to have a look at him later. He’s not in danger of dying.”

In a tired voice, he said, “I need to go home,” and turned to leave.

Drew called out, “Boss,” in a clear voice. He paused for a moment. “We wouldn’t betray you; if you need to, you can check all of our correspondence at any time.”

“No,” he snapped as he left the room.

It was abrupt, but he had to leave as soon as possible.

Suddenly, he felt like he couldn’t breathe because it was too close to his heart. Everything from today was catching up to him.

Taking a moment to think and recover so that everything wasn’t jumbled up and confusing was precisely what he needed to do.

He had known Greg for ten years, and it was extremely difficult just to set that aside and see him as a traitor.

He wondered how long he had been a traitor.