Page 58 of Nick

“My shop is opening tomorrow.” She beamed with delight as she exclaimed, “I can’t wait to show everyone what I’ve been working on!”

Nick whirled around quickly, looking at her with astonishment. “Why didn’t you say anything?”

“I wanted it to be a surprise,” she responded, her smile broadening with excitement. “And there has been a lot going on.”

He began to reply, looking annoyed she hadn’t told him, so she replied quickly, “I thought I had another week, but Drey had a place empty, ready to move into.” “That’s why I was able to move so quickly,” she added.

“I was lucky it all worked out. Everything looked good. I just had to order stuff for the store and make sure I had staff. It came together faster than I expected.”

He nodded. “It snowballed.” He gestured at the table set up with their breakfast, and she moved to sit.

“Exactly,” she said with a sigh of relief. He didn’t sound mad at her. “I’m planning to meet with Isla. I asked her to work in the back of the shop, and she agreed. It’s been a lot of hard work, but I’m so happy with what we’ve accomplished,” she said with pride.

“That’s great to hear. She has a head for business, even if she’s a bit…” Nick hesitated, chewing on a bit of egg at a loss for words. “Fragile,” he finally settled on, and she nodded.

She looked at a piece of his hair that was falling forward and wondered how to ask him what she wanted. Her silence made him aware of her hesitation, and he asked, “What?”

A rush of nerves took over her as she fiddled with her fingers. “I just wanted to know if you are going to do a mate braid?”

He tilted his head. His body language suggested he was thinking, considering it. She bit her lips. He said, “I hadn’t even thought about…”

“It’s usually the male who does it. So what has Perdy done?” he wondered nervously.

“I don’t know!”

“I’ve never seen her with a braid. Drake is probably wearing one.” Drake would be wearing one. He wouldn’t let her go unclaimed.

Nick shrugged and played with his hair. “Would you want to do one?”

“Yes,” she decided.

She did not want to disregard the tradition they had started among the Numbers. The simple act of braiding their mates’ hair into their own had a significant impact on them—Providing them with the opportunity to claim their mate proudly. This showed the strength of their bond and was a sign of deep respect for each other.

“Okay, it’s no problem,” he said simply.

Her heart soared. She felt a wave of relief, knowing his response was so positive, and she smiled in appreciation. “Really?”

“Yes, really. Why would that be a problem?” He shrugged and kissed her quickly on the lips, leaving her breathless.

Her happiness grew stronger as she realised the depth of his acceptance and understanding, and her joy was palpable. She knew that whatever life threw at them, they could handle it together, and her love for him burned brighter than ever before.

Nodding, he returned to the plates, fiddling with fruit and placing a plate in front of her. He waited for her to take a bite, looking at her expectantly. She nodded, humming in approval. The comforting atmosphere between them was like a warm blanket, and they discussed her business, the new security measures, and general chitchat throughout the meal.

They finished in contented silence, feeling connected and relaxed in a way that could only be achieved through deep connection. Her beast purred in delight.

Then something changed.

He kept glancing at her, and when she looked up, he would look away and mutter to himself.

She frowned when he repeated the action four times. She was now determined to get to the bottom of why he was acting so strange, so she asked him, “Why do you keep looking away from me?”

“It’s nothing. I’m just thinking,” he said and rubbed his face.

Looking at him, she noticed his serious expression. She tucked her hair behind her ear, pressing her hands together between her knees and biting back a growl. She hated being nervous around him.

She could tell from his expression that something more was on his mind. She tried hard to be patient, but she wasn’t very good at it, especially when he seemed deeply moved by something.

“Well,” she asked, her voice gentle but insistent.