Page 51 of Nick

“Besides, who can resist such an enchanting arse?”

Her shoulders were shaking against him, but she muffled her chuckles until finally blurting out, “Enchanting.”

His hand ran down her arm until he grasped her hand and tucked it into his arm.

He was trying to keep the mood light because he knew what he had to face was dark and depressing. He wanted to show her affection and make her feel safe, knowing that he was going to have to confront a difficult situation. He smiled, determined to keep a brave face despite the looming storm ahead.

The two of them headed out of the hub and straight for his Jeep. When Nick climbed into the Jeep, he slammed the door behind him. He would not let fear stop him from living his life.

Instead of talking him out of seeing Greg today, she kept silently supporting him, waiting until they reached the prison before asking, “Are you ready?”

“He has a lot to answer for, and I don’t want to give him a chance to make excuses or think he can defend himself at trial. It’s a done deal. I just…” It needed to be done. He didn’t want to hear Greg’s excuses because, in his mind, there were none. “Need to get this done today.”

He spun around to look at her, hoping she would understand his need for this. His need for it to be over.

“Okay. Then I’ll stand with you,” she said simply.

There was more to it than just a promise for this moment. He felt it in the depths of his soul. It was in Harper’s silent assurance that she stood by her mate. There was a shift in his heart that was all Harper and fiercely protective.

In the blink of an eye, her beast flashed into her eyes, and her face hardened.

He wasn’t surprised when the beast appeared. Despite the fact that she might not be the most vicious or argumentative of Numbers, and yes, she might work with flowers, and yes, she might prefer softer things in life than her friends and family, she was no less deadly than them. She was defending him—even if it was only from emotional harm.

“Let’s go and see what the traitor has to say for himself,” she said viciously.

She bit her lip, shifted uncomfortably, and looked at him apologetically. She must have internalised her harsh words. “Sorry.”

She wasn’t at fault, nor was he, but it still hurt. He let Greg into his life. Into his family.

“I’m sorry,” she said again. He squeezed her hand to let her know it was okay. “It makes me angry for you. I’m angry he hurt your team.”

“It’s okay. It is no worse than what others will say.” Nick squeezed again, then released her so he could open her Jeep door.

They were there.

Rubbing his eyes, he looked up at the sky for patience. “I guess I’ll have to get used to it. I never imagined that betrayal would be something I would have to deal with my team.”

“What are you going to ask him?” she wondered.

An increased level of security had been put in place at the prison, and upon noticing Nick’s arrival, Drew and Owen nodded to the guards and headed toward him.

They were trying to hide it, but both of them looked pissed as hell.

He sensed her nervousness and drew closer to her. He whispered reassuringly, “It’s all going to be alright.” It was uncomfortable for her to be surrounded by males, especially when they were angry.

She responded with a brave smile and a nod that made his heart swell at her trust in him. Her back straightened as he wrapped his arm around her. For the sake of his males and his team, she was attempting to present a brave front.

She had told him previously, “I can’t shake and quiver every time I see a member of your team.” Not because she thought they would do anything but because she felt outnumbered.

He sighed because he didn’t like her feeling uneasy, so he moved closer to her, ready to defend her or send his males away if she was bothered. He placed a comforting hand on her shoulder and said, “I won’t let anything happen to you.” It may not seem like much, but he hoped it would soothe her beast.

His efforts were more effective than anything he could have said because her beast let out a rumbling sound of approval and contentment.

As soon as Drew was in hearing range, he scowled and said, “He won’t speak to anyone, and he hasn’t said anything about it. I tried to talk to him, but I got no response. It seems that the traitorous basta…” He paused, glanced at Harper, and cleared his throat. “That he’s keeping his excuses to himself, and to be honest, I’m not sure I can go in there without punching him repeatedly in the face.”

Her sudden laugh was sweet and beautiful, and his males turned their gaze toward her. Her eyes flashed with panic. He squeezed her hip.

He hoped his gesture was a comforting reminder that she was safe and that he was there for her. His arms wrapping around her, a sign of reassurance and love that she could depend on and that his presence would allow her to relax and take a deep breath, calming her fears and allowing her to remain in the present moment.