Page 37 of Nick

While he tried to remove the heavy weight by recalling Harper’s soft voice and feathery kisses, all he saw was lifeless stone, cool steel bars, and a traitor.

Sighing heavily, he stood, his body feeling weighted and achy. His body was so exhausted that he could barely move. He groaned. Poking his head out of the cell, he winced when he saw her.

“Nick,” Perdy greeted without inflection. He could see no blame in her eyes.

“Hey, Perdy,” he said. His voice was rough, and he coughed to clear it.

“Has he woken up?” She nodded at where Nick was standing.

He clenched his hand tightly around the bar to remind himself that Greg wasn’t his and had never been his. He grimaced and rubbed his heart.

He stiffened and shook his head in response. “Very briefly. All he said was, ‘it wasn’t supposed to be like this, and it was his last job before he retired.’”

It was still a complete shock to him, and he was numb with disbelief.

“Retired!” He exploded and rubbed a hand down his face. “What has he been providing them with so that he can retire at his age? How much money has he been getting for the information I put in his hands?”

When Perdy opened her mouth, he sharply shook his head and returned to Greg’s cell. When Perdy heard males approaching behind her, he saw her hold out her hand.

“Leave Nick to his thoughts.” He heard her say.

It was impossible for him to block out their conversation. His brain filtered it through, but he wasn’t able to react because he still couldn’t comprehend Greg’s betrayal.

Drey growled, “What are you doing?”

“I need to see what state of mind he was in,” Perdy bit out. “Believe me, the last thing I want to do is touch something as disgusting as this.”

There was a long pause while she did whatever she did, then she said, “He’s not thinking clearly. This was rushed and nothing like his usual kills. He takes his time and plans them. He likes the chase, the fear, and the eventual capture. His kills are neat.” She paused. “Not this.”

“How?” Drey asked.

“You see, he could have stopped with the first strike. The job was done, but he’s used to having regular victims. I think he’s a little unhinged from waiting so long. This was almost frenzied, like once he started, he couldn’t stop. Up above, after this initial kill, he was calmer and managed to cut in neater slices like his usual kills.”

It was a crushing weight on his conscience to see the death of Andy, and he assumed it had been a quick blitz attack, but Perdy was telling them that wasn’t the case. Howard was calm when he made those cuts.

It was yet another life Greg had been able to destroy in the time he had been here.

“Does this mean he’s more dangerous?” Drake asked Perdy with a low growl. His voice sounded harsh and damaged.

“I think he’s unpredictable, which makes this unfamiliar territory for him and me,” Perdy replied.

“So, he’s unhinged, absolutely crazy?” Mallen asked.

“I’ve got no idea. Which way did he go?”

Mallen growled immediately after she asked them as if he were responding to a question she hadn’t asked. He quickly and harshly spat out, “No!”


“No,” Mallen said firmly.


It was Drake who cut in. “She’ll be with me, and it’s her right to hunt him.”

“Dad!” Perdy snapped with impatience. “Go find mum, make her safe. I’ve got this.”

“No. I’m not leaving you here,” he barked.