Page 29 of Nick

She swallowed, her eyes finding his, and the hit was like a punch to his gut. “I’m sturdy, resilient,” she muttered, her hand fluttering up as if she was about to touch her jaw and the scars littering her skin. She shoved her hand down and said sharply, “There is no reason for you to feel guilty.”

“It still won’t stop me from feeling responsible.”

A pout appeared on her lips when she gave him a disapproving look, and despite himself, he felt a small smile tugging at his lips. It was an adorable thing, he thought, but didn’t tell her that.

She was indignant that she was treated with what she called ‘kid gloves,’ so he avoided adding fuel to the fire by calling her adorable, even though she was.

He shifted in his seat, his neck feeling hot, and watched her glance coyly under her lashes. The fact that she was giving him this coy look under her lashes didn’t help the situation.

As she shifted to one side, she glanced quickly at the door. Seeing her suddenly close in on him, he wondered what she was doing. When her hands brushed against his shoulders, it struck him that she was ensuring that no one could see him if they did happen to look in.

He was astonished that she would be so bold in an area where other people could find them, but part of him liked that.

Whenever she approached him, he was amazed because he had almost convinced himself that it would never happen and that he would have to accept friendship.

When she leaned her weight into his lower body, her hands became entangled in his shirt, and she must have felt the outline of his cock. Her eyes became hooded, and she licked her lips. He focused on that movement, his whole body attuned to her. Her mouth opened slightly, and her chest heaved.

In a whisper, he asked, “What are you doing?”

“Figure it out,” she whispered back.

Before he could respond, she leaned forward, brushing hers lips across his. Nick gripped her wrist tightly as the rational part of his brain screamed that anyone could walk in; the traitor could. However, it was soon lost as, with a groan, he felt her body sway into his.

His nerve endings lit up, his heart thumped in his chest, and his palms clenched tightly on her, but she didn’t seem to mind. When she was close, it was as if everything he had suppressed came rushing to the surface.

There was no rational thought, only the onslaught of an obsessive need for her. There was a fire inside him that wanted to roar out of control as a result of all that waiting.

When he was younger and in search of a lover, he threw himself into the endeavour wholeheartedly. Everything had felt rushed, like it needed to happen instantly.

He knew being gentle with Harper would be the right approach, so when she slanted her mouth over his, he encouraged her to come closer, winding her hands behind his neck.

She didn’t resist, twirling her hands behind his neck as he deepened the kiss. Once he had reached the bottom slope on her back, he paused and let his hand trail down slowly. His fingers trailed further down, and she arched into his hands.

His hands ran over her arse’s firm curve, and he squeezed it. He heard a small sound, but it wasn’t a protest. Instead, he let his hands rest there while she muddled his thoughts with her hot tongue, sweet lips, and soft kisses.

Then a noise in the hallway interrupted them and made her lift her head. They looked into each other’s eyes for a moment, locked in a stare where they understood they were all that mattered. In her eyes was a naked vulnerability as they tried to control their breathing.

“I approve,” he whispered.

Her eyes began to clear as she realised he was answering her question of “Figure it out.” A shaky smile appeared on her face.

He grabbed her hand before she had a chance to let go. “You’ll be at home later?”

“I’ll see you there,” she assured him, and half his tension was eased.

However, until she left the building and was far from the hub, he doubted that his anxiety and fear would be eased. In fact, he couldn’t imagine a situation where he wouldn’t be worried about her.

The more he got to know her, the more dearer she became to him. It had become increasingly difficult, no…impossible, for him to free himself from her grip. Every time they met, it seemed as if she dug them deeper and deeper. It didn’t take him long to realise that they had always been there, and without them, he wouldn’t be able to function.

Watching her open the door, he felt a small part of his heart and a large part of his soul follow her. He had been distracted by her, and his thoughts had been diverted from everything else. The female had accomplished what no one else had been able to and took his mind off it for a short time.

He couldn't be mad at her for wanting to see him. It delighted him to think she would stop by his floor just to say hello and kiss him.

He was able to clear his mind of any negativity for the rest of the day. With what energy he had left, he concentrated on updating security measures. They wouldn’t implement it yet, but they needed something that was ready for deployment after they found the traitor.

“I’ve worked on security measures around the entrances,” he told Mallen, his grip on the phone tight. “But now, it’s time to change them for the town as well as for Moon.”

“It won’t be an easy task and will take a considerable amount of time to complete,” Mallen replied. The sound of something rustling in the background hit him.