Page 1 of Nick

Chapter 1

The Traitor


Nick stared at Perdy across the table in his office while sitting back in his chair with a deep frown.

The tenacious young Number was determined to free and clear her mate’s name. It’s what led up to this moment.

They were discussing the implications of a traitor on his team. She sat across from him, her arms folded, her expression unreadable.

Although it was extremely difficult for him to accept, but the coded messages and messages that they hadn’t even attempted to cover up made it clear that not everyone appreciated his decision to help Numbers.

He focused on everything Perdy had displayed on the screen behind his desk. Plucking his beard, which had grown thicker, he frowned. His jaw clenched while his fingers flexed restlessly.

He needed to drift off to sleep and have this all be a dream. If it wasn’t a dream, he needed to drink himself into stupor with a few large glasses of brandy or whiskey.

He ran a hand through his neat hair, messing up his dark and perfectly set hair. He had combed and waxed it because he had planned on going out later, but it didn’t seem likely now.

There was nothing cheerful about his mood, and he didn’t want to turn up pissed off.

“Nick?” Perdy interrupted, jolting him out of his reverie.

He tilted his head and raised his eyebrows. “Yes?” he asked.

Perdy watched him closely. It made him want to fidget. He crossed his arms so he didn’t twist his fingers together nervously. As she cupped her elbow in one hand and tapped her lips thoughtfully, she scanned his body from head to toe. Her eyes paused at his waistcoat pressed over his trim abs.

Having been so meticulous with his clothes, he regretted it under her probing gaze. “What?” he asked, knowing she saw too much.

A small smile spread across her face. “Are you seeing someone?” she asked, wrinkling her nose as she probed for information.

His cheeks heated, his face, neck, and even his ears felt impossibly hot as he shifted from one side to the other, wanting to flee. He slowly asked, “Why?”

Her eyes were unfocused as she looked through him, not at him. Putting his elbows on the desk, he crossed his fingers under his chin. His body twitched uncomfortably as she searched for any mystical bond he might have with a Number.

He didn’t want Perdy picking apart his relationships as the way things were going was quite satisfactory to him.

In fact, they were damn good. His breath quickened with a heavy dose of desire every time he saw her, and it was impossible to hide his desires when every nerve-ending tingled when he was around her.

Still, he didn’t need Perdy’s interference.

He wasn’t frustrated by their slow courtship. Whatever it took, he was committed to her, and the anticipation would only grow as time went on.

“Perdy!” he barked, causing her to jump.

She shrugged her shoulders innocently, her eyes sparkling as her lips twitched like she knew something. There was no way he would divulge any information, so he leaned his head to the side and bowed his head with a secretive smile.

He was a grown male and past the point in his life that he would be told what to do. In particular, by a woman who was far too smart and perceptive.

On the other hand, he swallowed and rolled his neck because if she picked up something concerning… “Why do you want to know?”

Her lips pinched, and she shook her head. She rubbed her chest, a pained expression crossing her face. “No reason,” she replied while wetting her lips. “You look smart.”

That was a non-answer, but he didn’t push it. In case any other problems came his way, this one had to be dealt with first; the traitor. Above all else, he had to deal with the traitor on his team.

“Thanks.” Nick looked at the screen again, rubbing the back of his neck. Then, releasing a long low sigh, he clicked the screen down with a heavy heart and asked, “Do you know where or who it came from?”

“There was a different computer using someone else’s login every time. Sadly, I can’t tell you who it is.” Her eyes brimming with confidence, she continued, “We’ll get them.”