Page 87 of Noah

Adrienne found herself revelling in his feralness.

Adrienne’s body was coiled tighter than a snake, pressure and longing making her breasts heave and long sighs fall from her.

A sharp prick got her attention. She blinked confused. Then suddenly he was gone.

Torn away from her in a move that had him flying back so fast she was sure they must have been attacked.

But then she forgot his power and frowned when she realised, he had thrown himself away.

She sat up, out of breath, sweat glistening on her skin.

His harsh gasping was so loud as she stared at his frightened face. No, that was wrong. Noah wasn’t frightened, he was filled with self-loathing and hatred, and he glared down at his hands in disgust.

“Noah, what?”

His head shot up and he scanned her quickly before ducking his head. “Forgive me, I would never,” he paused with a shudder. “I wouldn’t hurt you on purpose. Ever.” Sincerity and shame etched on his face, his words resonated with them and the heaviness of that hit her.

Confused Adrienne swallowed and avoided looking at her rapidly cooling skin that was pebbling all over with goosebumps.

“Noah. I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Adrienne scooted to the end of the bed. But even the glide of her bare skin across the sheets didn’t get him to peek up.

He stared resolutely at a spot on the floor.

He flinched when she crawled over to him. Adrienne winced when she saw blood running down the back of his head and along his neck and glanced at the wall to see a faint dent in it.

She rushed to his side and pulled him forward, smashing his face into her breasts but she didn’t care. She was focused on his head and the damage he could have done.

Quick healer or not, she didn’t know if he could get a brain injury.

He mumbled into her as she frantically checked his head. Jesus, how did she tell if he had a concussion?

His pupils!

Yanking his head back, he growled. She shushed him and looked into his eyes. It was no good. They were lit from within so she couldn’t tell a damn thing.

Swelling! Yanking him back to her breasts, she probed the site where he should have a wound. She frowned when she found it smooth.

She squeaked when he pushed her onto her back on the floor. His hips rested heavily on hers, stopping her from wriggling. His hands clasped hers, pushing them above her head while he frowned down at her.

“What are you doing?” He growled.

“Me!” She gasped indignantly. “Weren’t you the one who just had a full-blown panic attack about God knows what, and almost knocked yourself out?”

He stilled; his hard cock lined up with her wet heat. She tried hard to focus on what he was saying and not on his distractingly hot body because he was everywhere.

Her nipples pebbled against his chest and her eyes fluttered.

“…listening to me Ren?”

She gasped, coughed, and adopted a serious expression. “Yes.”

“I could have hurt you. Why didn’t you fight back? You might have snapped me out of it.” Grief and pain coated his words and her eyebrows dipped.

Her mouth pinched when she realised why he freaked out. “Are you telling me you cockblocked me because you gave me an itty-bitty scratch?” she rasped with a blush.

He snorted. “It’s my cock female!”

She squirmed under him, which sent a hot flush all over her. Clearing her throat she said, “Yes well, I want it to be mine. Just for a little while.” She pinched her thumb and forefinger leaving a small space between them.