Freedom was a fantasy for him. A fantasy in which he lived free, not as a caged beast.
Living alongside animals would make him happy and content. Compared to the so-called intelligent beings he had met; animals were far superior.
Animals’ needs were simple and easy to understand. They weren’t underhanded. They didn’t need to lie or scheme. They hunted for food and sought shelter from the weather and predators. They needed water and a place to raise their young.
They were instinct and protection…well shit, it was exactly what he felt for the tiny female Ren.
Oleg shifted making him blink out of memory and tumbling thoughts.
Noah’s fingers brushed through Ren’s hair, soaking up the scent. It didn’t smell as strong as her natural scent. It was dampened by whatever she had been given.
He was worried for a moment that she was dying, but he still caught the vanilla and mango flavours. It had thickened and deepened with sweet musk when she was turned on causing his mouth to water. Now, it lay silent and waiting.
The sweet subtle scent did not irritate his senses like everybody else’s. Though, he didn’t mind Oleg’s nutty scent.
Maybe scents depend on an individual’s core. If they were rotten, they would smell and turn sour just like rotten fruit. It was true as far as he could tell.
She murmured incomprehensibly. Noah felt a purr erupt from his chest, a rumbling sound of comfort.
Oleg moved away, giving them room.
“Female,” he demanded quietly and growled when he smelled fresh blood. When he lifted her arm, he noticed a small wound in her elbow that was still bleeding.
Oleg coughed to get his attention. He held something in his hands. “It is a small bandage you can wrap around her elbows while you wait. It should stop bleeding.”
He sat back, allowing Oleg to wind the strip around and under her arm, then tie it up. He tucked the edges under the bandage and then stuck a bit of white tape over it. Under Oleg’s supervision, he bandaged her other elbow with supplies.
“My thanks,” he said as Oleg cleaned up and moved away again.
Wetting his fingers, he ran them over her plump pink lips, which were now dry. “Ren,” he demanded firmly. His beast howled inside him when he received no response. “My Ren,” he snarled. Blinking at the fierceness, he realised that wasn’t what he meant to say, but somehow it felt right.
He sighed when he got nothing and sat down beside her. Ducking his head between his knees he stared at a patch of blue patterned carpet. He slid his hand across her covered knee, but it wasn’t enough.
With one ear attentively tuned to her, he reached under the edge of the makeshift pants slowly. He wanted to know if she was cool or hot, though he wasn’t sure what he would do. He simply needed to touch her.
Feeling her silky skin covered in a fine layer of sweat, he scowled but kept calm. He knew grunting and growling at Oleg would do nothing.
Noah kept his head down for a while, not knowing how much time had passed when a buzz began. His head whipped up with a ferocious snarl as he prepared his clawed hands; his fangs flashed menacingly.
If Oleg or the female needed protection, he would defend them.
Oleg moved into the hall. His phone buzzed. He held out his hand to stop Noah and put his phone to his ear. Noah stilled. Oleg exhaled in relief. “Yeah, that’s right. I have your male and the female is still here. Not awake yet.” Oleg paused, nodded, then said, “I’ll buzz you up through the front entrance.”
He stood and moved in front of Oleg. He pushed Oleg away from the front door, forcing him to look away from his female for a minute.
Noah didn’t care who they were. He wouldn’t let anyone into Oleg’s home that he didn’t trust, or thought might harm her.
Oleg moved closer to Ren as Noah backed away.
Noah felt a profound sense of wonder at Oleg as he stood in front of her, prepared to stop anyone from reaching her. Grateful, Noah felt protective, something he never thought he would feel for one human let alone two.
Oleg had taken them in and was willing to protect his female. This, thought Noah, was what humans should be.
Noah cracked his neck and flexed his claws. There was a pounding sound as footsteps climbed the steps. He felt the tension rise as he prepared for whatever was coming his way.
There were many footsteps, and Noah scowled.
Outnumbered, he disliked it.