He felt his face screw up. “What do you mean?” Confused he inhaled deeply, taking in her scent.
“I mean. You haven’t tried very hard with people here.” She hesitated her heart like a jackrabbit. “Are you sure that you haven’t just stuck to me because I’m the only thing you know?”
“I’m not a child to be led.” His frustrated sigh whispered across her flesh. “I know exactly what I want Adrienne,” he admonished, his voice firm.
He felt the tension in her and stroked her lower back. One hand came up to hold her head, cupping it and tilting her face up to face him. She blinked back unsure tears.
His mouth tightened as he watched her. “I know what I’m looking for.” He rocked her into his erection, mindful of the eyes around them.
Noah whispered in her ear, “Trust me?”
It seemed a lot to ask her, but everything between them had been big leaps, not exactly baby steps.
The guilt from his deception wrapped around his heart until he ruthlessly shoved it out of his mind.
He waited a tense moment until she relaxed against him and said, “Okay.”
Noah let out the breath he was holding. An empty well inside him was now flowing with liquid lava, anticipation a fire coursing through his veins—a song in his body, vibrating with intensity.
Her hand flattened on his pecs. She smoothed her hand over him, petting him, delighting his beast.
Noah had no idea if she knew she was doing it. His beast was in his version of paradise.
A rough rumble of noise was coming from him, encouragement, approval…a sound of soft appreciation.
Noah’s blood coursed faster as they danced. He lowered his hands above the globes of her arse, pulling her into him with slow intricate movements as they danced.
He inhaled.
Her scent was unlike anything he’d ever smelled before. His beast had been assaulted with so many different scents for over a week and yet none of them called to him the way hers did.
Whatever it took to let her know that she was his. That’s what was happening right now.
His beast wanted to convince her to stay with him by whatever means necessary. It didn’t think in straight lines. It wanted to retreat from all the moving bodies; to take her and run. To hide them from everyone’s eyes.
He struggled to hide those thoughts. He struggled not to take her there on the floor.
Hiding his face in her hair, concentrating on the swaying motions of their bodies to distract himself from his thoughts, each inhale brought with it vanilla and mango that he couldn’t imagine his life without.
When did she become so deeply rooted?
Tonight, he wanted to touch her and hold her like a lover. Whether she gave him that part of her didn’t matter. He’d missed holding her and if he could hold her naked against him, his beast would be content.
“Will you try harder with your people?” she asked in a soft voice.
A voice that could compel him. A voice that would stroke his senses in bed. A soft, husky sound he couldn’t help but lean into.
“I’ll try,” he replied, hiding his grin in her hair. She thumped his chest. “Ow! What was that for?”
“I can tell you’re just humouring me,” she said.
Violent female.
Laughing inside, he clasped her fist against his chest. Kissing her knuckles one by one, he pressed their hands over his heart.
“You’re a violent female,” he chuckled.