Page 57 of Noah

Jesus! Adrienne had upset Number’s favourite person. They would be picking her out of their teeth if she didn’t cheer Lila back up.

Cain glanced over; his brow wrinkled with concern and a sharp bite to his expression. Then it smoothed out as the kids vied for his attention.

“No, it’s not you.” Lila waved her hand at the trio dancing. “I love them so much my heart feels fit to burst.”

Lila took a deep breath, her hand on her heart, worry in her voice. She added, “I love them, but Darby is in constant danger. She’s a target for humans for humans. HFH sees her as an abomination. Cain is in the spotlight, and I live in constant fear that someone will attack and hurt them.”

Adrienne patted her arm gently.

Lila sniffled and said, “Ignore me. I’m hormonal.”

Adrienne immediately glanced at Lila’s flat stomach. “Oh!” She saw fear on Lila’s face and reassured her, “Your mate is strong. He would never allow something to happen to your child. Numbers would kill to defend you. Lila, you’re safer here than anywhere else on the planet and I have a feeling Darby is tougher than she looks.”

Unexpected support came from Noah when he said, “And look at Sylva, he might be younger than her but he’s already showing protective instincts towards her.” Sylva was watching Darby like a hawk. “With a playmate like that, she’ll always be safe. We will all help keep her safe.”

Adrienne felt something inside of her relax at Noah’s acceptance of his family.

Lila and Adrienne both turned to see Sylva with his arm propping Darby up as she bumbled across the dancefloor, carefully making sure Darby didn’t bump into anyone and that she knew he was behind her.

When Darby tripped and giggled, Sylva laughed pulling her back up before she could fall. Darby didn’t even blink like she knew Sylva would catch her.

“Huh!” Lila said her face slack. “How have I never noticed that?”

“Because it’s natural. It’s the way they are together,” Noah said.

Lila considered Noah with twinkling eyes. “I think we are going to be good friends,” Lila told him.

Her lips stretched into a wide smile watching Noah stand there and blink stupidly as Lila reached up to kiss his stunned cheek, then sashay over to join her mate.

Noah cut his confused eyes to her.

“And you say they’re not your real family?” Adrienne laughed at him.

His face softened as he pulled her into a slow dance.

Adrienne saw Cain and Lila joined by another couple, all of them dancing with the children.

The red-haired female was Sylva’s Mum. She reached down to ruffle Sylva’s hair affectionately. Her male was wrapped around her back, his arms engulfing her as he laid his head on hers while watching his mate with their child.

“They are not my family. You are,” Noah whispered into her hair.

Adrienne’s hands clenched on Noah’s shirt at the unexpected wealth of feelings. Her thighs clenched as her lady parts screamed, ‘Yes.’

“Why won’t you admit they are?”

Noah rolled his eyes. “It’s instinct to push them away. I do think they’re family.” She arched a brow and mouthed, ‘Finley.’ Noah rolled his eyes and explained, “I was annoyed with Finley because I didn’t want him to think you’re available. It might be selfish of me, but I think of you as mine and I don’t like other males around you.”

Adrienne’s body swayed with his, but her mind was racing trying to figure out what he meant and what he wanted from her.

Chapter 9


“Noah,” she began.

“I know you are attracted to me.” Worried she was about to reject him, he held her tighter. She squeaked and he loosened his hold. “Just give it some thought.”

“Are you sure it’s even me you want?”