Page 56 of Noah

Adrienne tried hard not to laugh as Noah looked at her for help. Pinching her lips tight, she shrugged.

He growled at her and looked down as the child tugged at his shorts. “Dance,” she demanded again. Noah’s hand was grabbed by a tiny chubby hand. When Noah looked at her again for help, Adrienne finally let the chuckle slip out.

Shrugging, she said with suppressed laughter, “How can you say no to that face?”

Noah looked terrified as the child dragged him onto the floor with a spirited baby laugh. Adrienne’s chest shook as Noah tentatively placed his hand on the child like he was afraid of breaking her.

“Darby,” a voice said making her jump.

Adrienne turned to look at a big male. She recognised him at once, Cain.

Cain’s eyes were so intent upon the child, a wealth of love, a wave of protective fury like he would rip the world apart for her that he barely registered her.

“She’s yours?” she asked.

His eyes softened as Noah spun her and Darby squealed in joy. Darby’s high-pitched laughter made smiles erupt on the faces of people nearby. Darby was a sweet blend of her father and mother.

She represented something special to all of them. Adrienne could see it in their faces. Another child, a boy came running over to them, and chortling he began dancing around Noah and Darby.

“She is mine and that little hell-raiser is Sylva,” Cain said and watched them with the patience of a doting father.

“How old is she?” Adrienne asked.

“She’s just turned four.” Cain pulled Lila close as she joined them. Both watched Darby with big grins as she took Sylva’s hand.

Noah and the children ended up dancing in a circle. Adrienne saw Lila look lovingly at Cain, her eyes soft and adoring.

Adrienne’s heart thumped with envy.

Darby detached herself from Noah and ran over shouting, “Daddy!”

Darby made grabby hands at Cain and launched herself just as Cain let go of Lila to catch her.

Cain laughed and swung her around. “Hey, sweet girl. Are you done dancing with the hooligans? You going to dance with your Daddy now, hm?” Cain tickled her side and Darby let out an infectious laugh.

“Yes, yes, yes. Can Sylva dance too?” Darby tugged at his hair and nuzzled his face.

Adrienne was surprised as a sound like a purr fell from her little lips. Cain mock growled and pretended to pounce on her with his hands. Giggles erupted from Darby as Cain walked onto the dancefloor to relieve Noah.

Sylva saw Cain approaching and began stalking him, darting between people’s legs, and pouncing out at Cain. Cain and Darby made sounds of surprise and Sylva did a tiny victory roar.

“That male melts my heart every time I see him with them,” Lila said wistfully.

Adrienne agreed that it was a sight worth melting over. Sylva put his hand on Darby’s shoulders to steady her as Cain put her down.

“She’s adorable,” Adrienne said.

Noah appeared, passed her a fresh drink, and stood beside her like a silent shield.

“She is,” Lila sighed. “She’s a Daddy’s girl and has all the males wrapped around her little finger.” Lila grinned, her eyes wide and full of mirth. “Wait until she starts dating. Daddy won’t be so popular then.”

Adrienne heard Cain growl, clearly keeping his ear on Lila even with the kids in his arms. Lila’s smile widened.

“I don’t know how you do it. You make it seem so easy. You both have a career, a child, and a big family.” Adrienne shook her head. Lila made it appear seamless like it took no effort whatsoever.

“It’s not easy. Far from it,” Lila pursed her lips. “We have had our troubles. It’s not easy.” Adrienne saw Lila’s lip wobble and realised she had poked at an open wound. Lila didn’t seem so carefree suddenly.

“Hey, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.”