Wren nodded like she understood.
Adrienne however was transfixed by his hair, bathed by the soft yellow glow of lights, and moving like a flame when he turned his head. Noah caught her eye, and she noticed the corner of his lips twitch up.
A smile just for her.
She had the sudden urge to kiss him, to press her lips against his, and to feel those sparks again.
Wren made a hmm sound and Adrienne’s head jerked, finding Wren wrinkling her nose. Oh right! Her scent.
“Uh…” she trailed off, embarrassed.
Wren saved her from trying to explain. “Have you decided if you’re staying?”
Uh oh!
Noah’s lips lifted and a growl trickled from them.
“Don’t mind him, he left his manners at home,” Adrienne said. Wren chuckled, nudging Noah on the shoulder in a friendly manner. He didn’t snap back which was progress.
“What he means to say,” Adrienne continued, “I haven’t made a decision yet.”
He grunted and arched a brow in. His eyes dared her to say more.
Adrienne wouldn’t. The choice wouldn’t be easy. In her heart, she knew she couldn’t stay. She had nothing to offer Numbers.
Noah was imprinting on her like a baby duck. Adrienne was a link for him, a link to the world and he wasn’t connecting with his people. She couldn’t help but feel like she was holding him back.
“Have you met Lila? She’s wonderful. She helped free us you know.”
“Yes, I heard about it, and I did meet her when I was admitted to medical. Lila and Doctor Myers looked after us. She’s really nice.”
Every Number genuinely loved Lila. Adrienne knew they would defend Lila with their lives and how nice it must be to have a family like that.
“You should get out of your home. The females all get together for a female-only evening.” Wren wiggled her brows.
A swell of happy voices and laughter filled the air.
Adrienne was just about to reply when Wren was abruptly swept into a dance by a pair of strong male arms. The suddenness of the action caused Wren to laugh.
Wren laughed as a tall, pale-haired male spun her amid the dancers.
“She’s different,” Noah said.
Adrienne understood what he meant. Wren wasn’t inherently quiet like a lot of the females; she was bold and had a passion and kindness that made her stand out.
“I like her,” Adrienne stated.
Noah’s sharp eyes shifted. A female child was wobbling over to him, holding out chubby hands and laughing.
Adrienne watched every Number smile indulgently and unobtrusively keep an eye on her, making sure she didn’t fall as she moved confidently through the adults.
The small female looked familiar. Adrienne tilted her head and took in the pale silky fall of the child’s hair in a pretty side braid with tiny flowers threaded into it. Someone had taken a great deal of time and care to dress her.
Her large green eyes took over her face, sweet and open. Her innocent bow lips stretched into a childish smile of wonder that made her heart melt.
Noah backed up as the young female strode toward him determinedly. Adrienne hid her laugh behind her hand.
The child’s lovely lemon dress swirled around her tiny white shoes. She put her arms up to Noah and chortled happily. “Dance.”