He looked like he might just put his head down there, given how interested he was in her and how she smelled.
She shuddered when he stroked her thighs.
Her temper was getting the better of her and she was ready to kick him out. Realising how awful his response might be was the only thing that made her stop.
Terrified for herself and not understanding why he was locked up, she feared what would happen to them.
She stayed composed, but her eyes were seething with anger.
The Number backed away slightly, giving her a chance to look around the room again.
The walls were an unforgiving slate grey with claw marks scratched down them.
Her stomach sank as she wondered how often he raged and slashed at the wall trying to escape.
Would they be stuck together? Would he let her live? Did he know Numbers were free, and if not, did he view her as his enemy?
They were trapped.
Shaking with cold, her teeth chattered. She would freeze in the draughty warehouse room.
Knowing she was panicking didn’t help her control her thoughts.
“Ple…please…” she stuttered, her eyes flicking to his head.
Then he was between her thighs. Her mouth dried up as his eyes caught hers, and she flinched at his intensity.
She couldn’t figure out what he was thinking, yet his gaze was so intense her breath caught in her throat and her heart raced.
His hands paused at her waist, and his breath tickled her skin as he leaned closer. He looked crazed, like a caged animal, because that’s how he was treated.
He was incapable of knowing better. That didn’t mean she wanted to be eaten, clawed or…
Seeing her scuffed knees, he reached out with a large, calloused hand and touched them. His gentle touch showed her he cared about her health despite his lack of understanding.
He growled. It told her he’d had enough.
His face above her ribs, the Number watched the spot where her heart was beating like a trapped rabbit. There was a troubled look on his face.
Completely absorbed by his eyes, the cold seeped further into her bones while she stared and stared without saying anything.
She had been so focused on his gaze that she had forgotten to breathe, and her body had gone into a state of paralysis. He opened his mouth above her ribs. Her eyes rolled back into her head, and she passed out to an annoyed growl.
She heard a distant rumble and a voice bouncing around the room.
“…mate with her. We’ll take her out and kill her, you stupid animal. Do as you are told.”
The room fell silent as she groaned. Turning on the bed, she frowned at its solid, unforgiving surface. She felt beneath her and found herself on a cold cement floor. Her hip hurt from lying on solid cold ground with just a blanket under her.
When her eyes fluttered open, they were pierced by flickering fluorescent light and she squinted.
Grumbling, she raised her hand and gritted her teeth.
She was startled by a voice saying, “Ah, you’re awake!”
She sat up, disoriented, and hit her head on the side of the bed.
“Shit,” she groaned, shaking her head as the pain behind her eyes intensified.