Lila shook her head. “No problem. There is nothing I can do about your other problem.”
“What’s that?” she asked apprehensively.
She almost panicked until Lila pointed her thumb at Noah and whispered dramatically, “The growth.” Lila looked at Noah with amusement. “We’ve barely gotten him to leave the room.”
Biting his lip, Noah glanced sheepishly at Adrienne.
She ignored him for a moment, and asked Lila, “So, we’re in Moon?”
Lila laughed. “Yes.”
“Thank God,” she sighed in relief. “I honestly thought I would be stuck there until I died, and Noah was used up.” She glanced at him. “It’s fantastic that they found you.”
Noah shrugged it off like it wasn’t a big deal. “Called Number when free.”
She pieced together what he meant, and finally asked, “How did we get out?”
Lila laughed. Noah crossed his arms, eyebrows slamming together. She glanced between them in confusion. Noah shifted uncomfortably and ran his hands through his hair. He seemed more relaxed.
Lila’s mouth twitched as she answered, “He burst through the door like a damn superhero.”
“But…” Adrienne trailed off as she bit her lip. He hadn’t done that before, so why now?
“Ren not safe. Beast unhappy with screams.” Noah replied. “I broke the door.” As if it was that simple to remove a thirty-centimetre-thick metal door.
Jesus Christ, she should have screamed her head off until she was hoarse from the beginning, then he would have torn down the walls like a bulldozer.
“He dislocated his arm.” Lila scowled at him. “It wasn’t like he told anyone. He carried you around like he wasn’t hurt, and it was no big deal.”
The thought of him ripping the warehouse apart, strolling his way to freedom while carrying her unconscious body, determined to get them out, clenched her heart. All while he was hurt. He pushed through the pain to get her out despite being injured.
Adrienne looked at Noah’s arm, remembering his disjointed shoulder. Noah didn’t have a sling on or seem bothered by his arm.
Guessing what she was thinking, Lila explained, “They heal fast. Some things reported about them that are true, and that is one of them. It already started to heal, and I had to manipulate it to ensure everything was in the right place and not healing wonky.”
Adrienne sighed and closed her eyes briefly. It was a lot to absorb. Noah must have felt overwhelmed and elated. Yet, instead of exploring his new home, he sat beside her bed like a guardian.
Since she had only been with him for a fleeting period, and most of that time she had been out of it, Adrienne wasn’t sure how to react.
“Are you aware of what they did to you?” Lila asked.
Noah tilted his head and moved closer to Adrienne. His hand hovered and then landed near her shoulder hesitantly. She wondered if Noah had been about to touch her face, but he changed his mind.
Adrienne tried to recall what they had done after waking up on the table. She had experienced brain fog because of the drug, making it difficult to put together the pieces she had.
“The female, I think they called her Moro,” Adrienne squinted, then huffed. “She had this look when I was lying on the table…” Adrienne remembered Moro’s excited eyes.
Moro’s sexually excited eyes had been desperate and at the thought of anything happening…Adrienne shuddered.
“It’s okay, I get it,” Lila said gently.
Lila’s eyes were kind, they held an abundance of understanding, and when Noah finally crossed the gap and touched her shoulder, she felt instantly at ease.
“She liked it when they were rough with me, and she wasn’t very careful about putting the syringe in.” Moro looked absolutely delighted as she stabbed her with glee. “I don’t know what she put in the IV bag, but it was a combination. It seems like she was trigger-happy after the injection,” Adrienne chuckled but was concerned.
Moro enjoyed sticking needles into her arms. She had an eager look in her eyes as if she knew something was about to happen. The only thing that happened was Adrienne zoned out. As if watching a movie, her mind flickered in and out between blinks.
Blink, Moro laughed above her. Blink, her legs were held down by two males. After blinking, she was given another injection in her left arm.