Cain hesitated. “There are different age groups for school, and even adults attend special schools to learn subjects they like.” Cain shook his head and held Noah’s gaze. “My point is that if you wanted to speak to the teacher we hired, I’m sure she’d be able to help.”
Noah wanted only one thing: Ren to open her eyes. Noah shrugged.
Cain grimaced and said, “It is something you can consider when you are settled.”
Noah grunted noncommittedly.
Settled. Noah was not sure what settled involved, but he knew it couldn’t be more painful than what he had already endured. The word settled sounded permanent, and favourable, especially in light of Cain’s and Lila’s seemingly content lives.
Lila frowned and waved a stethoscope over Ren’s chest. “I don’t like how fast her heart is beating. It’s like she’s climbing a damn mountain.” She glanced briefly at Noah, then looked at Cain, her small heart-shaped face serious as she said, “We need to leave and get her to medical. Now!”
Cain rushed to the door and shouted instructions to the people on the other side. Noah crouched beside Ren’s shoulders so he wouldn’t be in the way. His mind became paralysed by fear.
Lila grabbed an IV similar to Ren’s previous IV. Lila pushed a needle into Ren’s ankle. Noah growled when he saw blood bead on Ren’s skin and the taste of sweet iron filled the air.
Lila froze, and Cain rushed back in, teeth bared with his claws extended.
Cain pushed Lila behind him, and Lila scooted back on her knees.
Like she knew instinctively how to calm him Lila stood and pressed her hands along Cain’s spine and quickly said, “I should have explained it to him. It was my fault; I was so worried about her that I didn’t even think about it.”
Cain growled low.
Noah rubbed his jaw and stepped back, trying not to upset the predator in front of him. Growling at Lila was instinctive.
“Sorry,” Noah said and licked his lips as he tried a longer sentence. “Why IV? It’s like my captors.”
Cain finally let Lila go, but he stayed close to her with his eyes on Noah.
A flurry of activity occurred outside, and Oleg appeared with a hot drink for everyone. “Here,” he handed Noah one. “It’s chamomile tea. It might calm things down a bit.” Just like that, Noah’s lips twitched. It was impossible not to admire Oleg’s courage and fortitude because he was exceedingly brave for a human.
As Lila worked, she explained what she was doing. “This IV line has fluid I’ll insert into her ankle. Just water,” she explained and squeezed the bag.
Lila began preparing something, pulled fluid into a needle, and prepared to add it to the IV at her ankle. “This is an anti-inflammatory and a painkiller. Hopefully, the medicine will help.” Lila bit her lip while gently pushing the plunger. “The reason I’m giving her a low dose of general meds is that I don’t know what she’s been given. There is nothing stronger I can give her or anything that might cause a reaction.
She pointed to Ren’s arm. “The veins in her left arm collapsed because of whatever they gave her. While it may be temporary, I don’t want to touch either arm until she sees our doctor. The anti-inflammatory will help her veins.” Lila discarded the empty syringe into a bright yellow box. “It could be trauma,” Lila whispered to herself as she checked Ren’s elbows.
“She okay?” Noah asked.
“I have no idea. Without knowing what they used, it’s difficult for me to tell you. She can be treated for the symptoms she presents with. However, like I said, I have to be careful not to give her anything that may cause her to crash.” Lila noticed his confusion and rubbed her hand over her mouth. “To get worse, sicker, and perhaps die,” she explained.
Noah scowled and tilted Ren’s head toward him. Her floppy head fell to the back of the seat, her pursed lips pinched in pain.
“Female, wake!” he demanded. The only thing that would make him feel better was if she could open her eyes, look at him, and tell him she was okay.
Noah’s growl was followed by a warm hand tentatively covering his. His and Lila’s hands touched Ren’s chin, his large bloody palm contrasting with Lila’s slim golden one. He looked up to see Lila smiling kindly at him.
Cain kept a watchful eye on them as unknown individuals set up a makeshift bed.
“What is this?” Noah asked, pointing to the bed.
“She can’t walk yet, so it will help us carry her,” Lila explained.
Noah huffed and moved her into his arms without asking. He would take care of his female. She didn’t need a bed to be carried out, with strangers carrying her and possibly touching her soft skin.
“What…but…” Lila did a tiny frustrated human growl and scowled. “Stubborn male.”
No matter how trustworthy they seemed, he wasn’t about to let strange males help her out. She was his responsibility to help. His captors took her from him while they were defenceless.