Page 23 of Noah

“Someone who can help her get better. What’s wrong with her?”

“Wrong?” Noah shrugged.

The interior was small but well-kept and comfortable. The small room he led them into had two chairs. The fading scent of Oleg’s female in the chair caught Noah’s attention. He purposely walked around it and placed Ren in the other chair.

Oleg sighed with relief as if he wasn’t sure whether Noah was planning to place Ren on the chair or how he would react to it. The fact that the place still smelled strongly of her indicated that Oleg kept things that belonged to her and was careful not to obliterate her scent.

Noah understood how he felt.

Noah would never reward Oleg’s friendship by being insensitive. Even though his neck was still tingling with awareness of where the old male was. He didn’t think he would be comfortable with humans for a long time.

It was Oleg or a group of hungry-looking humans downstairs with flashing equipment and shouting to get their attention.

“Here,” Oleg said.

Oleg placed two cups and a water bottle with a seal on a side table and staying within Noah’s line of sight, Oleg avoided getting close to Ren. Noah appreciated his careful nature.

“I can try calling the line for Numbers, but I can’t guarantee they’ll believe me or that I’ll even be able to reach them,” Oleg explained.

Noah made an assenting noise because he didn’t know what it meant. Even so, he understood the gist. Oleg strolled over to a sleek black object and tapped the numbers on it. He tapped each time, and when he did the last one, the phone began to ring.

“How?” Noah pointed to the phone.

Oleg frowned and placed his hand over the bottom but kept it by his ear. There was a moment of confusion, and then Oleg said, “Oh, I see. How did I come up with the number?” Noah nodded, and Oleg chuckled before pulling the phone away and pressing a number. “The number has been advertised everywhere, from billboards to internet pages. If anyone has tips or suspects something, call this number.”


“If someone knows where a scientist is or if they have seen anything suspicious, they can call Numbers anonymously.” Oleg frowned at the automated voice on the other end. Then a click followed by, “Hello, ah. Hello. Yes, that’s right. Oleg Baumann.” Oleg scratched his cheek while listening and answering with yes and no to questions.

Noah focused on Ren who hadn’t stirred yet.

Yanking the cap off a water bottle, he splashed it into a cup and placed it at Ren’s lips, hoping the water would rouse her.

He waited moments, then gently tapped her shoulder, but still, there was no response.

Chapter 4

“I found him with a female. She’s wearing a hospital gown of some kind. He’s wrapped her up warmly and seems concerned about her. It looks like he fought to get out of where he was; he’s covered in blood. Some locals were shocked and contacted the press,” Oleg explained.

Noah heard Cain cursing.

“Okay,” Cain replied. “I’m sending our press team down there. If you give me the address, I’ll get the press there first, then figure out how to move him safely. How is the female? Is she bleeding, and does she need immediate medical attention?”

Oleg winced as he approached Noah. Oleg crouched next to him and asked, “Do you know what happened to her?” Oleg pressed a button and put the phone down, then put the phone on the arm of the sofa. “Cain, I’m about to put you on speaker.” Noah could hear tapping over the phone.

“Is she okay?” Oleg asked, gesturing toward Ren. Noah shrugged. “Do you know what happened to her?”

Noah struggled to control his beast as he shook his head in frustration.

“I might know what’s wrong. May I have a look?” Oleg asked.

Noah struggled not to snap “no.”

Ren was still lying with closed eyes. Inching backwards, he pushed down his protests.

Oleg gently moved her legs and slipped her coat off. In response to seeing the pinpricks from the tubes, one still bleeding, Oleg spoke. “There were at least four IV lines or injection sites in her body. I don’t know what was in them.”

“No, that’s great. Any information you can give us will be helpful.” Cain cleared his throat and spoke quickly to someone. “We have Victor, the Numbers spokesperson who’ll come along and handle the media with a relative of one of our Alpha’s mates’ Mum Hettie. Make sure you don’t stand in front of windows or cover any places where you think they can see you.”