
Come home with me tonight.


I won’t be gentle.

Maybe it’s a good thing I’m getting on birth control, because I’d wait until I was eighteen before I’d tell my mom when I’m ready to have sex. Just thinking about Chase in her presence has me breaking out in a sweat and contemplating jumping from a moving vehicle. I want to die at the very thought of confessing my feelings to her.


Now Playing:

“Far Behind”—Candlebox

Lindsey brings the girls by Juice King on my lunch break. I’m starving, but Lindsey wants to walk around the mall and find a pair of boots for her “winter wardrobe.” I didn’t know people in real life had wardrobes for each season, but Lindsey may not be in real life. I’m convinced she’s super-human.

She complains that the boots don’t fit her calves, which are so thin it’s amazing she can even walk around on them. She’s even more pale and gaunt today than unusual, and I can’t help but wonder if it’s more just the hangover. She’s barely eaten a thing at lunch since her brother got in trouble with the Willow Heights kid, and I’m worried about her. But when I remind her that none of us have eaten, she just sighs.

“I have to slim down for the holidays,” she says, fingering the lining of some grey Ugg boots. “That way I won’t get fat with all the holiday parties and food around.”

“That’s crazy, Lindsey,” I tell her. “It would be impossible for you to be fat. You could gain twenty pounds and you’d still be perfect and tiny.”

“Oh, what would you know?” she snaps. “You’re naturally thin.”

Um, ouch?

She’s naturally thin, too. And unnaturally thin on top of that. I don’t know what to say though, since it is true that I’m thin. The fact that she is too seems to have never crossed her mind.

“Speaking of getting fat, I’m starving,” Daria says, stretching as far as her arms will possibly reach. “Let’s go to the food court and pig out.”

I’m relieved someone around here still eats, as I’m about to pass out from hunger after skipping breakfast amid the whole fiasco of getting grounded this morning.

“Speaking of getting fat,” Elaine says, looking Daria up and down with a disgusted expression. “You should skip the food today, no offense. Maybe this week.”

“Oh, eat me,” Daria says, sneering back at her.

“I might, but I’d probably get indigestion from all the fat.”

“At least I have boobs, which is more than I can say for you skinny bitches,” Daria says with a smile, squeezing her boobs together and giving the three of us a triumphant smile.

She does have a point, unfortunately.

“Girls, girls, stop it,” Lindsey says. “Now, come find me some boots.”

Always the peacemaker.

“I’m going to get food before I eat Elaine just to shut her up,” Daria says, pulling me away.

“Oh my gosh, I could eat an entire cow,” I say as we enter the food court.

“Finally. A girl who eats. Where have you been all my life?”

I order a cheeseburger, but Daria only gets a salad.

She gives me an apologetic smile. “I’ll smell your burger,” she offers. “But Elaine will kick me off the squad if she sees me eating. She’s constantly shaming me about my weight.”

All I can do is stare at her. She has pretty much a perfect figure. Plus, I’ve seen her in her cheer uniform, and she’s nowhere close to overweight. She’s not the smallest girl on the squad, but she’s also not the biggest either. Not everyone can have Lindsey’s double-zero body type.