Page 123 of Twisted Hunger

I feel his breathing hitch seconds before he also wraps his arms around me. This is something we have both needed but denied ourselves. We stand just like this for a few moments, his head resting on mine as we soak up each other's hugs.

"When I return, I want to spend the day with you, Bain. Will that be okay? I think it would be good for both of us." My question surprises even me, but it feels like the right thing to do.

His arms squeeze me a little more as he says, "I think I'd like that, Ryan."


"You ladies stay right here with Agent Miller until we've rounded everyone up," Castor says. "As soon as the coast is clear and there is no more danger, I will have you three come in and help with victims."

I nod. "We understand. Go get 'em, tiger!" I give the agent a cheesy smile, shakily.

I'm nervous as hell now that we are actually here on location. I know how dangerous these situations can be, and if these people were associated with the D'Angelos, they are just as dangerous. I bite my lip and look at Laney and Heather, who seem to feel the same.

"It will be fine," I say and smile. "Castor and his team have been doing this for years."

"Honestly," Laney says, "I'm worried about whether I'll freeze up because of flashbacks."

Heather nods in agreement, and I can't really blame them. I didn't have it as bad as they did, but I understand. I wondered whether the women I trained would hate me for being a part of that darkness in their lives, but once I explained to them why I had done it the way I had, they understood and thanked me for looking after them even though I was risking a lot by doing so.

The funny thing is that I never thought about the risk. It wasn't the risk of what would happen to me anyway, just the risk of being unable to help the others if I got caught. Who knows how pissed the brothers would have been and what they would have done to me had I been found out, but I knew that I couldn't do any of what I did unless I had a plan to try to save them when possible. I would do it again and again if need be. Seeing the faces again of those whom I helped train and send to new buyers brings me relief. I am relieved that I taught them enough to stay alive to see their freedom again.

After about forty-five minutes, Agent Miller puts his fingers to his ear and then nods, saying, "10-4. I'll bring them in."

My heart begins to race, knowing we are going in. I, along with Laney and Heather, take in the scenery as Agent Miller drives us over a bumpy road. We were only about a half mile out, so it doesn't take long before an expansive estate comes into view. It's one level, but the structure stretches wide over the grounds. I'd say it's beautiful if I didn't know that its owner was a trafficker and it housed abducted men, women, and children.

As we pull up, men and women alike are cuffed and brought out of the house. They are led to waiting vans to be transported to the airstrip and loaded onto a plane, waiting for its passengers. The three of us glance at one another.

"Are you ready for this?" I ask.

"Oh yeah," Laney replies.

A "Hell yes!" comes from Heather's mouth as she opens her door and jumps out.

"Agent Castor!" I call out to him as we near the front door.

"Ryan, good, you're here. I'll show you where they are all being held, but we may have a problem."

I stop and turn to him. "What's wrong?"

The agent scrubs his face and sighs, "It seems as though this fucker has been working extra hard, brainwashing a few of the women. They believe they are in love with him and that they are his harem. They don't want to leave, but some are scared shitless of him because they are so badly beaten. Those are the newer women that haven't been brainwashed yet."

"Oh God, so what do you want to do with the ones who are brainwashed?" I ask, worried that he will just leave them here, but when he responds, it's worse than I thought.

"Well, according to the scared women, these other women have also beaten and abused them, trying to get them in line. At this time, we have no choice but to arrest them as well. Maybe by the time we get them back to the States, they will be ready to denounce the motherfucker."

I start to say something, but laughter catches my attention, and I glance over Castor's shoulder to see a familiar face. I gasp and take a step back at seeing one of the D'Angelos’ favorite buyers and friends—Julien Dalama. I had forgotten all about him. I wonder if he knows about his friends.

I don't have to wonder long because as soon as he lays eyes on me, his smile falters, and a dark and hateful glare comes my way. Julien’s mouth starts running, as he yells what I can only imagine to be hateful words at me. Another agent pulls him toward a waiting van, but he continues spewing words that I don't understand. His hateful glare, never wavering from me once.

He's shoved inside the vehicle before he can say anything else. I turn to Castor. "What did he say?"

"I take it you know who he is?" the agent asks.

I nod. "Julien was a good friend of the D'Angelos and one of their top buyers."

"I see. Well, don't you worry your pretty little head about what that trash says." Castor smiles before turning toward the doors. "Come, I'll show you where everyone is.”

Heather leans into me. "You need to watch your back, Ryan. My ex-boyfriend was Latino, so I learned the language very well."