The way he orders me to stay and the look he gives me has me staying put as he leaves me alone. He's gone for about ten minutes before returning and shutting the water off. He really looks pissed, but I don't understand why. He doesn't even like me, so why is he here?
"Strip." He scowls.
"What? No way! Leave, and I will change myself…" I try to step out of the tub, but I trip, falling right into Beau's chest.
"If you don't get out of those wet clothes right now, I will undress you myself!" His glare has me doing just that, peeling the wet clothes from my body so I don't have to feel his hands on me.
I close my eyes, not wanting him to see me without clothes on, but I know it's too late when I hear him growl, "What the fuck is this?"
It was the first year after my father died, and my mother was in her own little world when I first started cutting myself. It only lasted a few months until I found Brock and realized I could numb the pain in another way without shredding my body, but the marks remain. They are a reminder of what I've lost and how far I have fallen.
Brock is the only one who knows about the scars since he's the only person who has seen me without my clothing. He's also the one that helped me get over that phase, even if it was to move on to substance abuse. He told me I shouldn't tarnish such beauty, and because he's always been honest, I believed him and stopped cutting myself. Now, I just self-medicate.
"Why, Ryan?" Beau's voice is dangerously low.
"It's none of your fucking business, Beau! Why are you here? I don't want you in my house…I don't want you in my life!"
Beau gets up in my face. "I told you that I'm not going anywhere. Now, tell me why you have scars all over your fucking body."
When he's this close to me, I can smell the masculine scent of his cologne, and it's sexy as fuck. Something is happening. I can feel a warmth spreading through my lady bits, and I don't understand why. He's so close to me, and if I weren't so much shorter than him, I'd probably lean in and see what his lips feel like against mine.
What am I doing? Beau is my enemy!
I step back and straighten myself, lifting my chin defiantly. "Leave, Beau."
His mouth kicks up into an annoying smirk. "No."
"What the fuck do you want? Do you want a blow job? Is that why you wanted me to meet you in the basement? Fine…” I drop to my knees and raise my hands to his waist to unbutton his jeans.
He growls and grabs hold of my neck. "Fuck no. I don't want no drugged-out slut sucking my cock. Who knows where that mouth has been…"
I give him a bitter smile. "I'm sure you would love to know, wouldn't you?" I lick my lips and bite the bottom one.
Wanting to tease him enough to make him leave, I continue, "You know you want a taste of my lips. Go on, do it…I dare you."
His eyes go to my mouth as his grip around my neck tightens. "What are you waiting for, Beau? Take what you want…"
His lips slam against mine, and I melt into the kiss once the shock of it is over. Beau is an excellent kisser, and I can't stop the moan that slips out. I'm pushed against the nearest wall as he presses his body against mine, and holy shit, he's harder than a fucking rock! I can't believe I'm kissing the guy who has bullied me for the past three years.
When my words sink into my head, I return to my senses and try pushing him away. "No, stop it, Beau…"
"Oh, what, you only give blowjobs? I guess I will have to see how good you are at giving those, but not today." He's yet to release my neck. In fact, he starts squeezing a little more. "I don't know if you can handle me, Ry-Ry. I like it a little…rough."
"Who says I want to even try?" I glare at the torturous God before me.
"That kiss told me," he replies. "It also told me that we are far from done with each other."
"In your dreams, Huntley…"
His hand tightens, taking away my air altogether. Spots start to dance before me from lack of oxygen, but I don't struggle. Maybe it's better this way. The room begins to fade, and I see Beau lean in close. His tongue dragging over the shell of my ear.
"I will have you, Ryan. Mark my words…you will be mine." He grips my neck until darkness takes me, and that's all I know.
I wake up in my bed, the sun is already starting to set, and my stomach growls. I've slept my whole birthday away. How pathetic am I? Then I remember the events from earlier and bring my hand to my neck...Beau. He was here, in my room. I vaguely remember his words, but they confuse me because I thought he hated me. I toss the covers aside and see I'm still in my underwear. So at least I know he didn't try anything, or did he?
Why was Beau so livid with me? He knows that I get high, but what really set him off was when he saw my scars. He slams me into lockers and trips me, bruising me daily but freaks out over some scars? I don't get him at all.
Sighing, I get dressed and make myself presentable. I'm not sure if my mother is home or not. If it wasn't for me being hungry, I wouldn't leave my room at all. So, once I get my game face on, I leave my room and head down. Only when I am near the bottom of the stairs, do I hear voices. They seem to be coming from the room I'm heading to, so I keep going because I'm just nosey now.