Page 14 of Twisted Lies

"Fuck no! Do I look like an idiot, boy? I told him never to contact you again, and then I threw that burner out."

I try hard not to react. Instead, I've got the gears going in my head. If Ryan is out, I need to get back to her. I can't leave her unprotected; if she thinks I don't want her anymore, there's no telling what she will do.

"That whore doesn't give up, though, does she?" Liam states, and I give him my attention once more. "The bitch calls the cell phone you had tucked away every fucking night. She's always leaving voice messages and such. Oh, my condolences, by the way. It seems your stepmother passed away. The bitch was crying over that the last time she called. I thought it would be fun if I picked up, and boy, did I get an earful. Talking about needing you and shit going dark and her numbing herself, blah, blah, blah…"

Fuck! I can't believe I'm not there for her right now! I shouldn't have come here…I should have figured out another way.If Ryan is sinking, she is either going to start using again or cutting herself. I would hope she wouldn't find solace in sex again, not after the whole Brock debacle.

My uncle is still going on, now mimicking Ryan, I assume. "…I'm lonely… I want my husband back, Beau. I don't care if the papers weren't sent in; we can do it over. Do you hear me? I want my husband back!" He shakes his body in an exaggerated shuddering motion. "I had heard enough and hung up, good God!"

My heart swells knowing that she still loves me and wants us to remarry, not that it was ever a question. Now that I know she's free, Iwillget the fuck out of here; somehow…some way, I'm going back home to her. My uncle's voice reminds me he's still here and pulls me back into the conversation.

"You're not getting any ideas of still wanting to be with a whore like that, are you? I mean, she went to them willingly…she fucked them, and shebeggedthem to fuck her and do things to her that any decent woman would never ask for, never mind beg for." He pulls Pretty Bird against him, telling her, "You beg me to do filthy things to you, too, don't you? That's why you're my dirty little whore, and why you're not wife material."

Liam drags his hand up her bare thigh as he kicks her legs open. "Beg me, whore. Beg me to finger fuck you in front of the boy. Let's show him how a good whore begs."

"Liam…" I bite out.

"Shut the fuck up and watch, boy! You know what?" Liam pulls out his phone and types in a message before pocketing it again. "I think now is a good time to receive your punishment."

The basement door opens, and Lyle comes down carrying the dreaded cane. My back can already feel the pain, which hasn't even started. This guy enjoys punishing me and never cuts me any slack. If anything, he gives me more than what I've earned.

"On your knees, boy!" Liam orders, "Hands on the bars facing me and my whore. You're going to watch her take what she begs me for while you receive your lashings, and if you make one little sound, the slut will get double the lashings you get, and you will be the one to give them to her."

Cursing, I drop to my knees slowly and grab onto the bars. Lyle doesn't wait or give me any warning as he brings the cane down on my back. I block out everything in the room, faintly hearing Pretty Bird's stutter as she begs my uncle to fuck her in front of me. After the tenth lashing, I’m completely numb to what’s going on around me. If I'm being honest with myself, I won’t blame Ryan if she finds her solace in drugs or cutting at this point, because the numbness has become my best friend during times like this. Now, I understand her so much more.


About a month after that day my uncle informed me of Ryan's freedom, a change took place. I didn't question it at first because I was just happy to get out of the cell in the basement. Coming back up to the land of the living, I found out that I had been in that basement for a total of seventeen months and six days. Even though I'm no longer caged in the cell, the farmhouse has become a new cage for me.

I wear an ankle bracelet now, and while I was in the basement, Liam had more security put in and changed the locks on the doors and windows. The farmhouse is now an impenetrable fortress, or in my case, a prison. Whatever secrets my uncle has, they have to be pretty big if he's gone to these lengths to keep me in or others out.

I'm on a much better diet, but not one that I would like to be on…one where I can bulk up and get back to working out like I used to. I'm still thin but not weak and frail like I was. My color is returning to normal, and I'm getting stronger daily.

When my uncle told me that day in the basement that my training would be starting, he wasn't joking, and it's not the kind of training you would think. He's not training me to be a Huntley, he's teaching me to be a perverse piece of shit like he is, and it takes everything I have not to beat him to a pulp every day.

My uncle has a hatred for the opposite sex, and I have no idea why. At this point, I don't even want to know why. What I want to know is, what will it take to get me the fuck out of this house of horrors?

"Now," Liam's voice drones on as I sit on the opposite side of his desk, taking notes. "We will bring you back into the company once I catch you up to speed on everything you need to know business-wise. There is no reason to go to school because I can teach you everything you need to know."

He taps on his keyboard as I write a few things in the notebook he checks daily to ensure I'm taking the correct notes. I'm figuring out that this all has to do with what he mentioned over a year ago about taking over Bellini Formal, so I don't mind playing this little game with him for a while, but when his following words hit my ears, my body turns to ice.

"I had someone who could get into the Manor and set up new security when your father's went down. Now, all the feed also comes to me, so I can see what's happening at all times." He sits back in his chair and stares at me. "Maybe now you will heed my words when I say, once a whore, always a whore." He turns the monitor around, and my stomach drops.

There, on the screen, is a woman in my father's playroom with her back to the camera but I'd know her cinnamon-colored hair anywhere. She's wearing a silk robe, and then her head turns to the side, and there is a slight smile on her lips as a man walks up to her, bare-chested. My father…

He proceeds to slowly pull the robe from her shoulders and then places a kiss on her bare shoulder. My eyes are glued to the screen, and I'm trying to determine which is worse, seeing her with the D'Angelo brothers—or my father. My brows knit together as I watch my father's hands slowly slide down Ryan's arms before they wrap around her petite frame, one holding her chest as his face dips into Ryan's neck.

Anger begins to rise, but I can't say it's towards Ryan. My father, on the other hand, should know better. After everything Ryan has been through, for him to take advantage of her like this? She's vulnerable and probably willing to find solace where she can get it.

"Turn it off…" I bite out.


I glare at my uncle.

"You need this to help you learn and to help you grow into the man that you are supposed to be," he tells me.

"By watching my ex-girlfriend fuck my father?" I ask incredulously.