Page 12 of Twisted Lies

I race to the bars and try to grab at him, but again, he's faster. I'm weak from lack of food. I may be getting fed, but it's crumbs compared to what they eat. No wonder Liam keeps the woman so thin; he's keeping her weak so she can't fight him. That's his plan for me as well, and right now, it looks like his plan is working.

"Who is she?" I nod over at the other cell.

Liam glances back at her and then grins. "She's nobody. Just a whore that fell into my lap at the perfect time…right when I needed her to." He opens her cell door and shoves her to her knees, pushing her head to the floor.

I look away, not wanting to see what he's about to do, but he's not having it. I hear his hand come down and slap her hard, causing her to cry out in pain. Another one, and another. I close my eyes, wanting to concentrate on something else.

"Either watch me, or I'll continue to beat her," my uncle says with amusement, and I have no other choice but to look across to the other cell. "That's a good boy. You know, you really shouldn't care so much, especially about strangers. They are a liability to you. Take that day in my brother's room. You shouldn't have given two shits about what I was making this whore do to your grandfather. You wouldn't be down here now if you hadn't."

I watch with a sick stomach as he positions himself behind the woman. He rubs her back in a loving gesture. "Are you my good little whore?"

The woman nods.

"Do you want me to fuck you like my good little whore?" She nods again, and he grins at me. "See, I'm not forcing her to do anything," he says as he thrusts himself into her. "She loves everything I give her, so you fucked yourself, my boy."

Liam is done talking as he continues to use the woman. I zone out to not see what's going on across from me, but I can't do anything about the sickening noises he makes as he uses the woman for his own pleasure. I let my mind wander to Ryan. He knows all about her and that she's there with the fucking D'Angelos, and he finds it amusing.

My uncle grunts and finishes inside the woman before leaving her in her cell. He comes over to mine as he closes his pants. "Be a good boy, and I'll think about getting you some pussy, too."

"Don't do me any favors unless you'll let me out of here," I snarl.

He finds my words amusing. "No. I think you'll stay put until I decide what I will do. Just so you know, had you come to me to ask for my help in getting your girl out, I may have turned you down, but at least you wouldn't be sitting here, helpless, while your pretty girl gets railed every night by those fuckers. They also used your mother really well before getting rid of her. I'm sure they are having the time of their lives with your stepsister. A pretty little thing like that? Hell, I'd fuck her mindless, too."

"What the fuck is wrong with you? How can you be so cruel and disgusting?" I fume, "You don't even know the kind of woman Ryan is, and you're condemning her to a fate she doesn't deserve! What didthatpoor woman ever do to you to be treated the way you treat her?" I point to the other cell.

"You know nothing!" My uncle hisses, "She's alive, isn't she? I feed her, and I give her a roof over her head. The least she can do is spread her fucking legs and let me use her God-given cunt! As for your girl…she was born with a cunt, and that alone is deserving of whatever treatment comes her way!"

I'm stunned and completely speechless. "You're totally insane…" I say in a soft, incredulous voice. "You don't treat women like this, Liam—"

He cuts me off. "I do in my house! Your father ruined my life. I have to stay off the grid all because your father blamed me for his whore wife being taken!"

"What's that supposed to mean? Why would you have to stay off the grid all because he beat your ass?"

Liam smirks. "I can't tell you all my secrets, can I?" Turning back to the woman, my uncle changes his tone. "Rest up, sweetheart. Lyle's been a good boy, so he will be down later to pay you a visit." He winks at me one last time before he walks away, whistling.

When I hear the door close at the top of the stairs, I look over at the other cell and see that she's still in the position he had put her in. "He's gone now. You don't have to stay like that."

The woman breaks down and falls to her side. Shaking like a leaf while gagged and shackled, she cries for at least an hour until she falls asleep. I stare at the faceless woman, and even though I don't know who she is, I will avenge her. One way or another, my uncle will be no more, and this time, I'll make sure that he stays gone.

The next time the door opens, dread fills me because I know this isn’t going to be pretty. Lyle is coming for his reward just as Liam said he would. He doesn’t care that the woman is in rough shape or that she hasn’t been cleaned since my uncle was here. Hell, he doesn’t care that she’s sound asleep; he opens his pants, pulls himself out and gets down on his knees, thrusting into her without a care.

Her scream echoes through the basement, but all Lyle does is laugh and puts his hand over her mouth until she stops. He’s second on my list of people who will be taught a lesson. Who the fuck do these men think they are; thinking they can treat women as they do and not worry about consequences? This poor woman is going to be so messed up when she is finally free of this place, and she will be because I will see to it that she gets out of this hell.


"Wake up, boy! I've got some news that you might want to hear." Liam's booming voice comes from the top of the basement stairs.

For the first time in I don't know how long, he flips the switch, illuminating the area in bright light. It blinds me, and I hiss. I can't tell you how long it's been since I was in a room with light this bright. The stone I was tallying my days with crumbled months ago, so I've lost track of the days. My little homemade calendar stops at eleven months and sixteen days. Yeah, for over a year, my uncle has held me captive.

How a relative of mine could be so mentally unstable, and the rest of the family never know, is incomprehensible. Then again, maybe my father had figured it out, and that's one of the reasons he had beaten him. There are still unanswered questions, but they no longer matter. I've come to terms with the fact that I will never leave this basement alive.

To be honest, I'm surprised I've lasted this long with how little I eat. I'm skin and bones, without an ounce of muscle left. After a few months, I gave up doing my sit-ups and push-ups because it burned up all my energy. I'm down here by myself for the most part. The woman, who I now call Pretty Bird, only comes to stay a few times a month. I haven't figured out why yet, but I'm grateful for the company, even if she can't speak to me. Liam always has her blindfolded, gagged, and shackled while she's down here.

She probably knows many of his secrets that he doesn't want me to know. So, when he stands before my cage with Pretty Bird, and she's only got the blindfold on, it immediately gets my attention. Still trying to focus in the brightly lit room, I keep my eyes on the one friend I have here.

"Did you hear me, boy?" Liam asks angrily.

"My name is Beau, not boy…"