Page 8 of Twisted Lies

"We've discussed this, Baxter. She doesn't mind doing it. If she did, she would tell me."

Somehow, I find what my uncle says to be untrue. I don't believe he would allow her not to come for a minute. It's almost like he's punishing my grandfather, too. I watch the nurse as he gives my grandfather a sponge bath. He seems nice enough and looks to be doing a thorough job. I wonder if I can get anything out of him or whether he's loyal to my uncle? Just one more thing to look into.

"We can discuss this later, Bax. We have a visitor," Liam states.

"A visitor? Since when do we get visitor's way out here?" my grandfather asks, turning his head in our direction.

"He's a persistent young man, that's for sure. Definitely of Huntley blood." Liam chuckles.

"Huntley blood? It's not Bain, is it?"

I can hear the raw hope in the old man's voice when he mentions my father's name. He misses him. Is he regretting pushing him away all those years ago? I came here to get answers, but all I'm getting so far are more questions.

"I would never allow that pathetic son of yours to step foot in this house!" Liam sneers.

"This is my house, Brother, and my son is always welcome here. If it's not my son, then who…" he gasps. "Young Beau?"

Before Liam could speak, I take my grandfather's hand and say, "Hello, grandfather. Yes, it's me, Beau."

"Oh my, little Beau. You don't sound so little anymore, or young for that matter." My grandfather chuckles.

"I'm just about ready to turn twenty-one in a couple more weeks."

"Has it been that long?"

"Yes. I was nine years old when I saw you and grandma last," I tell him.

"Oh yes, your grandmother, God rest her soul. I'll never forgive myself for being unable to save her that day." His voice cracks, and I give his hand a little squeeze.

I glance at my uncle, but all he does is roll his eyes at my grandfather. "I'm sure she knows that you did all you could," I reassure him.

"How are your father and your mother?"

I'm taken aback for a moment until I remember that he was already in the rehabilitation center when my mother died. "Well, Mom passed away shortly after the fire."

"I told you this, Bax. You should try to remember things better; now you're upsetting the boy." Liam chastises my grandfather like he's a boy himself.

"God, I'm sorry, Beau. It's true, I forget things…"

"It's okay. Dad remarried just recently…"

"He did?" Liam asks, surprised.

Since my grandfather can't see me, I roll my eyes and continue to play my part. "Yeah, her name is Lacey. She's nice enough," I add.

"Hm, and they haven't had any issues? Nobody trying to break them up or anything?" my uncle questions.

I know what he's getting at. How was my father able to marry again without the brothers stepping in. I won't give him the satisfaction of knowing that his nephew's heart is crushed because those same brothers now have the love of his life.

I shake my head. "No, not that I'm aware of, but I doubt anyone would try to break them up, seeing as how Lacey has cancer and isn't doing so well."

"Ah, I see," Liam says.

There's a tap at the door, and I turn to see the guy who was escorting the woman out poking his head in. "I'm sorry to interrupt, Sir, but you are needed downstairs."

Sighing, Liam turns to me. "Will you be okay?"

"Yeah, go. I'll stay and talk to old grandad here," I joke.