Page 1 of Twisted Lies


I can't take my eyes off her. I don't know what it is about this girl, but I'm drawn to her in ways I never knew existed. I'm a virgin, for Christ's sake, and don't even think about girls, not really. This girl, though. This tiny little freshman has me hardening at just the sight of her. I must meet her.

It's a week into my sophomore year of high school, and this is the first time I've laid my eyes on this girl. Why is that? I watch from a distance as she walks down the hall and stops at her locker. Her cinnamon hair is in a messy bun, and she's dressed in a grunge style, with cut-off jean shorts and fishnet stockings underneath. The AC/DC t-shirt she wears under her flannel tells me she has good taste in music, and I grin. The worn, black chucks on her feet complete her look and even though it’s not my typical taste in clothing, this girl makes it look so good.

As she leaves her locker, someone accidentally bumps into her and makes her drop all her books. Everything scatters all over the floor, but the person is a douche bag and only laughs before continuing to walk away. It's finally my chance to talk to her, so I rush over and offer her my help as I pick up some of the papers that floated away. My heart is racing a mile a minute. Calm the fuck down, Huntley, it’s just a girl. However, to me, she isn’t just a girl. She’s a fucking goddess and I will gladly get on my knees before her.

I've always been one of the popular guys in school, mainly because I'm Beau Huntley, Bain Huntley's heir to Bellini Formal, so I never had issues with girls hanging on me, and I never had to approach one first. So, to do so now is nerve-wracking. Never had I imagined that I would be met with such venom. She sneers at me without even looking at who is helping her, and when I insist, she tells me to fuck off and that she isn't a damsel in distress, but I never saw her as one.

Eventually, I shake it off, thinking she is just having a bad day because, seriously, who acts like that when someone is only trying to help? Now, a month later, I'm standing in the same spot as that day when I first saw her. I've learned that her name is Ryan, and her mom is a nurse. Many people had nice things to say about her, but it seems she's taken on a dramatic change recently.

I blow off the last encounter with her and decide to try again. This time, I've got flowers for her, and I stand waiting for her to open her locker and see the note I slipped inside. I've been turning girls down left and right who want to go to Homecoming with me, because I only want to go with one girl. As I watch Ryan open her locker and pull out the note I left, my heart races once again.

With my palms sweating, I start walking over to her, but I only make it half the distance when my steps falter. The girl I've been obsessed with has literally just crushed my heart as I watch her laugh and tear my note up. She crumples it in her hand and then tosses it in the garbage can as she walks past it.

I watch her back as she walks away. I then go to the garbage can and look at the ruined note that took me an hour to write. Anger overwhelms me, and I toss the flowers on top of the note. Turning, I walk in the opposite direction of where Ryan went. I vow never to let myself go after another girl for as long as I live. I will never allow anyone to make me feel the way Ryan Hendricks just did. She wants to be a bitch, so be it. I can do one better. I'll be her fucking nightmare!

For the next three years, I treated her the way she treated me the two times I tried being nice. I may have gone overboard a few times, but she may think twice about how she treats people in the future. I still find her extremely attractive, if not even more so, as the years go by. Finding out where Ryan lives was so easy, and I find myself following her home after school and then driving by in the mornings when I know she's heading to school. She's none the wiser.

I've become a stalker, but only because I want to know what she does, who she hangs out with, etc. I haven't been stalking her for all three years; it's something that I just started doing. I can’t help myself any longer; not when rumors have been running rampant that my little Ry-Ry is a junkie. If she is, I want to catch her in the act. I will make her stop using, no matter the cost. I can’t stand by and watch her ruin not only her mind but also that beautiful body of hers. I’m still determined to make her mine. I’m just biding my time until she’s ready to come to terms with this.

It's only by chance that I see her walking up to a house one day, so I stop, and like a peeping Tom, I watch through the windows and see fucking Brock Davis, a goddamn drug dealer, sticking a pill in her mouth and proceeding to kiss her. So, the rumors are true. Ryan sleeps around for a fix.

Before I do something stupid, I walk away, wait, and ambush her at school, making her agree to meet me in the school's basement at the end of the day. Surprise, surprise, she doesn't show. I grin as I look at my phone and see I've been here for almost forty minutes. She's got guts; I will give her that much, but she will learn quickly that I'm not someone to jerk around.

I become livid when she doesn't show up at school the following day. The moment I'm able to leave, I do. I drive straight to her house, but nobody is home, so I wait in my car, watching for when she comes back. I've learned that her mother is rarely home, allowing Ryan to do whatever she pleases. I wish my mother were still here, but no, she apparently didn't like me or my dad, so she left, never to speak to her only son again.

Sometimes, I blame my dad for her leaving because I always remember my mother being very loving, so I know it wasn't me. My dad is a workaholic, and I can't remember how their relationship was when he was around, so my conclusion is that my mom left because of him. Why else would a mother leave her child?

When a Toyota pulls into Ryan's drive, I watch as she stumbles from the passenger side. She acts as though she's drunk, making me chuckle. Poor girl can’t hold her liquor. This is going to be a piece of cake. When I see that it’s that Brock puke driving, my hackles rise. The asshole doesn't even wait to make sure she's in the house before peeling out and leaving her to fend for herself. Watching her closely, I begin to wonder if she’s even drunk. I have a sinking feeling that isn’t the case.

Ryan is oblivious as I walk toward her. I could be anybody, so she's lucky that it's only me who grabs her as she unlocks her front door. I shove her inside, closing the door behind me.

"Did you think you could hide from me, Ry-Ry?" She smells so fucking good that my cock starts to swell.

I'd give anything to have her let me inside her, but I doubt that day will ever come. She's got too much hate in her heart. When I realize that she is high and not drunk, I see red and go off on her. I go as far as throwing her in the shower, telling her to stay put, and then I sit on the edge of her bed to calm the fuck down. Not only did I want to take her and shake the fuck out of her for doing all this fucked up shit to her body, I also didn’t trust myself not to bend her over and fuck her. I may be a creepy stalker at the moment, but I’m no rapist.

That was the first time I saw Ryan naked, and I knew I was a goner. I have slept with one person, hoping to fuck Ryan out of my system, but it didn't work how I wanted it to. All I got was a chick who became obsessed with me afterward. That was two years ago, my sophomore year, and I haven't had it since. Yeah, I've let girls suck me off just so they could feel special, but none of them interest me the way Ryan does.

Throwing Ryan in the shower that day changed us both, and we slowly started to build some weird relationship until, finally, Ryan was able to get past my bullying and accept the fact that I would never leave her alone because I'm obsessed with her. We worked hard to kick her off her drug habit, and she soon stopped going to Brock. I only had to take a bag of pills from her once, and she learned never to buy more after that.

She once told me to leave and pretend that she didn't exist, but how the hell can I do that when I need her like I need air; I can’t breathe without her. Other people need air and food, but all I need is Ryan Hendricks, and the others come after. Without Ryan in my life, I have nothing. It's taken me a long time to come to terms with this. I’m not sure why or how I became so obsessed with a girl that wanted nothing to do with me. Maybe there is some kind of psychotic illness that runs in my family. I'd say it is highly possible after how I've behaved and treated Ryan these last few years.

Finding out that Ryan had lost her father a week before that day made me feel like the biggest piece of shit ever. Maybe had I known, I could have tried reaching out to her-—maybe talked to her about my mother—I don’t know. Anything would have been better than turning into her bully. It’s a miracle she ever forgave me for that time in her life. She’s a better person than most for it.

Now that Ryan is mine, if anyone else were to treat her the way I have, they would no longer be breathing. I'm not obsessed in a creepy way; at least, I'd like to believe I'm not, but maybe I am. I don't want to hurt her or abuse her, never again. My obsession is the need to love her like nobody has ever loved another. She will bear my children; every future Huntley heir will come from Ryan. She will be by my side until the day I die, and I will protect her every fucking day until then.

It was me who was there when Brock used her in a way she didn't want to be used, and I beat his ass for it after finding her in the park, curled up on the bench she likes to sit on. I hated seeing her like that and knew what I had to do. I accomplished that goal, and now, we are better than ever and getting stronger by the day.

I've had to deal with another classmate, Ashlyn, because I was using her to get Ryan going. She hated seeing me with Ashlyn, and the moment I knew I had Ryan, I dropped the redhead. To be fair, I told Ashlyn from the get-go that it was just for fun and that nothing would ever come of it. The bitch went and got herself hooked on me and even went as far as locking my girl in a classroom one day. We never had an issue with the redheaded bitch after I ripped into her for that little stunt once I found out about it. Threatening to have her daddy fired from Bellini Formal meant that her family wouldn't have the money she was used to. Apparently, that was more important than harassing us.

Nothing will get in my way of having my girl. If I have to be a douchebag to others, so be it. I will treat Ryan like the queen she's meant to be, especially after she gave me the one thing that meant the most to her. Something I thought she lost a long time ago…her V-card.

I cherish the shit out of Ryan during the time we have together because she deserves it. Even when the storms start to move in and threaten to pull us apart, and our world begins to crumble, I hold onto her for dear life, praying that I don't lose her. I've even killed for her and will do it again if need be.

I marry the love of my life as soon as possible, hoping that this is what it will take for my father to get off our backs. I don't fucking care if my new stepmother is Ryan's mother or if Ryan is now my stepsister. Nothing is taboo about it when we are adults and haven't grown up as siblings.

Others want to dirty what we have, but we won't let them. My father is the worst of all, but I have a suspicious feeling there is something more to it than us now being family. However, getting my father to talk to me is like pulling teeth, so I've stopped trying. I've disowned him and want nothing more to do with the man if I can help it.