“Since you’re not coming tonight,” he said again, emphasis implied. “Take your cock out and show Frankie how you’re not coming tonight.”

Sharp’s cheeks flushed a violent shade of pink, visible even under the neon purple of the room.

“Is that okay with you?” Sharp asked me.

“I think we’re in agreement.”

Sharp shifted around, lifting his ass off the couch and pulling his pants down enough to expose himself. His cock was locked into a heavy and unforgiving-looking cage that reduced whatever length he had to not much more than a nub.

“Does that hurt?” I asked, moving the phone so Travis could see everything I saw.

“Considerably,” he said, pressing the tip of his finger against the end of the cock cage. “Especially here.”

“Why’s that?” Matty asked, voice lilting like he already knew the answer but liked to hear it anyway.

“The plug.”

“Urethral?” Travis asked.

Sharp nodded, hips doing a slow circle in the air, chasing after friction and release I didn’t think he’d find.

“Condoms for you,” Matty said, kicking the door to the playroom closed.

He headed across the room to the armoire and pulled the heavy wooden doors open, revealing a plethora of impact toys and tools that looked far more advanced than anything I’d ever seen before.

“And lube,” I said.

“Lube?” Matty glanced over his shoulder at Sharp, who looked like he was ready to combust or die. “I don’t think so.”

“I’m not a sadist.”

“I am.” Matty returned and dropped a strip of condoms onto my lap. “But we can meet in the middle. Sharp can suck you off and however much spit he gets on you is all the lube he gets. Does that sound fair?”

Travis cursed under his breath.

“Are you jealous yet?” Matty sat on the arm of the couch and folded himself in half, bringing his face beside mine so Travis could see him, too. “That’s the point, right?”

“Part of it,” Travis murmured. “And yes.”

“I should have asked. Are blow jobs okay? What’s off the table for this gorgeous man we’ve got here?”

Travis licked his lips and scratched the side of his nose, beneath where his glasses sat across the bridge. It was one of his tells, I’d learned, when he was so hot and bothered he was close to losing the ability to speak.

“He knows the rules,” Travis said.

“I don’t.”

“Condoms, for one,” I said, waving the strip in front of the phone so Travis could see them. “Normally, no kissing on the mouth if sex is involved.”

One or the other.

It had always been one or the other.

“That’s fine,” Matty interjected. “I’ll keep Sharp’s mouth busy. Maybe it’ll teach him to stop running it like he has been.”

Sharp groaned.

“Anything else?”