Before I could manage any of that, the door flew open and two bodies crashed inside, wrapped up in each other and completely unaware that the room wasn’t vacant. Their mouths were slanted together, hands pulled furiously at belts and clothes. Someone moaned and a shoe went flying into the arm of the couch.

“Jesus, you’re fucking hungry for it,” one of the men said. The other grumbled something I couldn’t hear.

The one who had spoken shoved the other one off, and I watched the disentangling happen in slow motion. The smaller of the two men stood straight and pushed against the other man’s chest, the gesture already in motion by the time he registered my presence. The other man tumbled over the arm of the couch, legs flying straight into the air and his head landing right on my lap.

Right against my already hard cock.

“Hi there,” I said, erection pulsing in response to the absolutely glazed look of arousal and submission on the stranger’s face. “Having a good night, are we?”



The man on my lap was attractive, a little bit older than me but not anywhere near middle age yet. He wore a pair of jeans, half undone from their interlude in the doorway, a white undershirt, and a black leather jacket which had fallen open when he landed on my lap. The man who’d been left standing was considerably younger, considerably smaller, and decidedly more femme. He had blond hair that floated around his head like it wanted to curl but didn’t quite have the energy, and bright eyes that looked like the definition of trouble.

“I hate to be rude, but I’m a little worked up and I’ve never been a patient man, so did you want to watch?” he asked, tugging his black mesh shirt over his head and throwing it at his partner.

I laughed, and so did Travis. “Hi. Nice to meet you, I’m Frankie.”

“Matty,” he said before gesturing dismissively to the man who was still half on my lap. “This is Sharp.”

“Matty and Sharp.” I angled my phone toward Sharp’s face. “This is my boyfriend, Travis.”

“Were we interrupting?” Sharp asked, finally realizing he was lying on my erection. He scrambled up off my lap and Matty shot him a warning look, which made him go still beside me on the couch.


“Speaking of watching, I was just having a chat with my boyfriend about the logistics of me getting my ass off this couch and finding someone to play with.”

“Play how?” Matty asked, finely waxed brow arched toward his hairline.

“You tell me,” I said, dropping my voice down. “Are there options on the table?”

There was no way it was this easy.

Had a hookup quite literally just fallen into my lap?

A quick look at my phone confirmed Travis was just as impressed by the turn of luck as I was. I glanced back at Matty, who tapped his fingers against the button of the extremely short shorts he was wearing.

“There’s always options on the table,” he said, mouth tipping into a smirk. “But you go first.”

“I wanted to have some fun while this one here,” I gave my phone a little shake, “watched.”


“Depends on who you ask,” Travis said.

“Do you top or bottom?” Matty asked, cutting straight to the point. His directness was hot as shit, and I adjusted my dick, which was quickly running out of room in my boxers.

“Generally I’m open to both,” I said. “But considering my goals for the night, I was hoping to top.”

“We can work with that. Can’t we, Sharp?”

Sharp’s confirmation sounded like a choked-off moan.

“You have two holes we can use, don’t you?” Matty went on. I glanced at my phone, seeing Travis’s eyes go wide at the vulgarity. “Since you’re not coming tonight.”

“Matty.” Sharp groaned softly.