And then, this morning, our rival threatened Mifflin and his family. The Crimson Heretics felt cheated by Mifflin’s latest deal, pinching off a considerable percentage of their profits. Pissed, their president sent two of his men, who gunned down Mifflin’s secretary and left him a package that included her severed hand and a warning. A photo of Cynthia and Letty splashed with blood.

How did we know?

Because Candy Cane, the stripper from Show ‘N’ Tail, had a magical pussy that seemed to keep Mifflin addicted. He liked to talk to her, thinking she kept his secrets. She never did. Funny enough, Candy Cane had a thing for Storm. Whatever he wanted, she did. Only with Storm, she knew better than ever to try to betray him.

So, here I stood, waiting for permission to get to my girl. Sure, a prospect arrived at the high school stadium in case shit went down before I could come, but I hated the delay.

“Pres,” I pleaded.

He ticked his chin toward the door. “Go. You keep me informed. Got it?”

“Yeah, pres!” I shouted, running out of the goddamn door like my ass was on fire.

Just the idea of being close to Letty again, speaking to her, and breathing the same fucking air pulsed a need in me so fucking deep that I didn’t know how I would stay in control once I had a chance to touch her. The ride on my Harley took fifteen minutes. Way too fucking long.

I almost missed her fucking graduation. I arrived in time to see her step onto the stage, relieved to confirm she was alive, unharmed, and as beautiful as ever.

“Leticia Marie Jacobs.”

Her name was announced, and she glided across that stage with a smile so fucking huge I clutched my chest to ensure my heart still beat inside it. I waited at the bottom of the stairs, knowing she had to exit where I stood.

She didn’t see me at first, but when we touched, she fucking felt the connection. Her head snapped to the side, and her lips parted. Shock flittered over her features.

That’s right, baby. I’m back.

Nothing would tear us apart again.

I couldn’t keep my hands off her, holding her hand because I needed that contact. I had to feel the warmth and breathe in her sweet scent. My thumb caressed her skin for the remainder of the graduation ceremony. Once it ended, we stood as Cynthia congratulated her daughter.

My focus turned to the mother. Would she stay with Letty and out of trouble?

She slid her gaze across mine, meeting long enough for me to understand that she had to leave. Cynthia hid the shit with Mifflin from her daughter for two years. She tried to protect her and failed. My father only cared about himself. She learned that lesson far too late.

There wasn’t a soul he wouldn’t sacrifice to stay at the top. That included his wife, son, and stepdaughter.

After we stopped inside the school and the girls picked up their belongings, we walked to the parking lot.

“You’re with me,” I announced to Letty. “Come on, Beautiful. I’ll follow Ava.”

I led her toward the black Mustang I borrowed for the day, leaving my bike for the prospect. He’d ride it back to the clubhouse. Tomorrow, I’d switch them out for my bike.

Her eyes widened when she saw the car. “You have a Mustang?”

“Tonight I do.”

She stared, unmoving.

“Love, I knew you’d be in a dress and heels. Not exactly the right clothes to ride me.”

She arched a brow, caught my meaning, and blushed as pink colored her cheeks. “Ride your bike, you mean.”


I opened the door, devouring every inch of skin she exposed, and shut it once she had buckled her seatbelt. “What are your plans tonight?” I asked to make conversation once we left the lot.

“Parties.” She shrugged. “Probably a lot of them.”

Yeah, I figured. I did the same when I graduated, only instead of getting my dick wet, I spent the night wishing she was with me and getting drunk off my ass.