“Are you both still coming with us to dinner?”

“Yes, as far as I know. She confirmed last night.”

“Good. We’re going to that Japanese steakhouse my dad loves. He said we could order whatever we want.”

“That’s generous.”

Ava beamed a grin and faced the stage as applause broke out. The graduation proceedings began, and I focused on the speeches, the alumni, and their encouraging words. I enjoyed the sense of accomplishment I felt. Our row stood once the roll call started, and we headed toward the stage. The line moved quickly, and soon, I climbed the stairs, awaiting my turn.

“Leticia Marie Jacobs.”

Applause rippled through the crowd, followed by mother shouting, “That’s my daughter! Go Letty!”

I couldn’t help but grin as I crossed the stage, shook my principal’s hand, and paused for a picture. He handed me a diploma, and I reached the stairs, descending as a hand shot out, ensuring I didn’t slip in my heels.

“Thanks,” I managed to say before I locked eyes with the man dressed in dark jeans, a black t-shirt, and a leather vest. His dark ink crawled up his forearms and disappeared underneath the sleeves of his shirt. I knew every tattoo since I’d had a chance to glide my fingertips over them. My lips nearly followed, but he pushed me back against the bed and dropped between my thighs, seeking my pleasure instead of his own. A night that still lingered in my dreams and caused havoc in my heart.

Gage Blade’s focus dipped briefly to my lips and snapped back to my eyes, holding mine hostage as if he couldn’t stand the separation. He slid his fingers through mine and, held our hands, palm to palm, and walked with me back to my row. No one questioned or stopped him when he sat next to me in one of the folding chairs on the field and forced everyone down one seat.

Ava took her place next to mine with a raised brow.

I shook my head. Now wasn’t the time.

Awareness prickled through my body while his heat nearly scorched mine. I kept blinking, tempted to pinch myself, shocked he showed up to my graduation. In all this time, I hadn’t had a word. I never saw him. I didn’t receive a phone call or a text. Nothing. No contact.

I had so many questions. Why today? Why this moment?

My heart raced as I tried to imagine why he stayed away so long and came up empty. He left me. I shouldn’t be holding his hand, giving my consent like he could show up or walk out of my life whenever he wanted. This wasn’t a game.

I tried to tug my hand free, and he tightened his grip. No words followed, but I understood. He wouldn’t release me until he wanted to, and to prove a point, he clenched our hands together despite the heat of the day and the sweat already clinging to our palms.

The rest of the graduation ceremony finished in a blur. I couldn’t focus. Only when Ava squealed next to me and everyone stood, whooping and hollering, did the fog lift.

I turned to her with a smile and hugged my bestie as Gage released my hand.

“We did it!”

Around us, everyone began to disperse, rushing to family and friends. Ava joined her parents, and I opened my arms as my mom approached. We hugged for so long I wondered if something was wrong.

She leaned back, brushing my long hair over my shoulder. “I’m so proud of you, Letty.”

“Thanks, Mom.”

“I mean it. You’ve worked hard. You’ve earned it.”

Gage remained silent beside us.

“I’m all grown up now,” I joked.

But tears filled her eyes, and she blinked them back.


“I’m just feeling emotional. You only see your baby do these things once, you know.”

How sweet.

Ava joined us. “My parents said the reservation is set for five. We can head out once everyone is ready.”